
- Planet
- Region
- Sector 4 (AQA)
Once infected by the X Parasite, the Sciser's claws become more powerful and pronounced; its shell thicker and covered with sharp spikes. The X Parasite also infused these creatures with alien DNA, giving them the ability to fire plasma balls from their claws. Sciser-X are slow-moving, but tend to keep together in large groups, following the pack-foraging behavior of their originals.
Sciser-Xs crawl on the walls and will periodically fire energy balls from their claws. These balls fly out in an arc, but have a very short range. However, they can be dangerous in narrow passages or near doors and platforms. Scizers can be damaged by normal beam shots or Missiles. You can also charge up your beam and perform a charge spin attack to destroy them, which is very useful when they are guarding platforms. However, if enough X Parasites gather in an area with a Sciser, they will form a Gold Scizer, which is more difficult to destroy.
There is a large cluster of Sciser-X near the Level 4 security station. Use a Power Bomb to destroy them and quickly replenish your supplies.
You can find several uninfected Scisers near the entrance to Sector 4, but they cannot be interacted with unless they become infected.