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Mother Brain

  • Mother Brain
Artist: warhound-cmp

A huge, organic supercomputer encased in a transparent, glass-like container. The Mother Brain is another creation of the Chozo. It was originally a peaceful invention, designed to help the Chozo with astronomically difficult scientific equations and data, and provide advice and support to the Chozo way of life. In the Metroid Manga, Mother Brain can be anywhere at any given time through the use of floating, spherical cameras that roam the planet.

Mother Brain's main power comes in the form of her strong, influential telepathic powers, which she uses to control every walk of life on the planet Zebes in order to stop Samus. Mother Brain intends to use the unstoppable power of the Metroid to take control over the entire universe.

Once you fight your way through the Zeebetites to Mother Brain, you must first blow open her container. Use 5 Super Missiles: if you shoot fast enough, the fourth Super Missile will destroy the container, and the fifth Super Missile will hit Mother Brain directly. Once the glass shatters, Mother Brain will begin to store up energy, open her eyeball, and shoot a powerful energy beam. One hit from this beam will take off 50 energy. To avoid the beam: there are two platforms that Samus can stand on, one closer to Mother Brain, and one further away. Stand on the one further away, and when the beam comes out, jump over it, onto the closer platform. Kneel and immediately shoot a Super Missile or a few normal Missiles to harm her. She will then immediately shoot another beam. Jump straight up to avoid it, land, and then jump back to the previous platform. Keep repeating this pattern (all the while freezing or destroying the oncoming Rinkas) until she dies. If you fall into the acid below, just try to get out of it as quickly as you can by using the Power Grip, and climb up on the platform furthest away from Mother Brain. When she is defeated, Samus must immediately escape from Tourian using the shaft located behind Mother Brain's container. You have two minutes. Good luck!

US Patent 0176503 (filed 2/2/05) refers directly to the Mother Brain battle sequence in Zero Mission. When Samus is in Mother Brain's line of sight, she will open her eye and attack. When Samus is out of her line of sight or stuck in a danger zone, (like the pool of acid below) Mother Brain will refrain from attacking.

The Aurora Units (AU) brought about in Metroid Prime 3 were heavily influenced and inspired by the idea of Mother Brain.