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Winged Ripper

  • Winged Ripper
Artist: Doc Roe

Of the many different types of Ripper found on Zebes, the extremely rare "Winged Ripper" is the only subspecies which methodically changes its elevation and flies in curved paths. Winged Rippers can’t propel themselves as fast as their bulky Ripper II cousins, who also inhabit Norfair, but their small wings give them the ability to easily maneuver in flight. Samus finds one of these exotic Winged Rippers in the room with the ensnared Kiru-Giru larvae that is attached to the ceiling by Tangle Vines.

The purpose of the Winged Ripper is for it to be frozen and used as a platform on both sides of the room. This will allow Samus to easily aim at the thick Tangle Vines holding the Kiru Giru larvae. The Ripper will recover from being frozen more quickly than other Rippers, so you'll want to frequently refreeze it, in order to continue shooting at the Tangle Vines.

The only way the Winged Ripper can die is if you time your shots so that the larvae crashes on top of the Ripper after being freed from all of the vines. This can be easily performed by freezing the Ripper underneath the Kiru Giru, and then shooting at the last vine. This is the only opportunity in the game to kill it, as the Winged Ripper doesn't appear anywhere else in the game, and won't re-spawn once Samus leaves the room.

Winged Rippers resemble the Para-Beetles introduced in Super Mario Bros. 3.