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Mellow & Hive

  • Mellow & Hive
Artist: joelchan

Not to be confused with the fiery Mellas from Norfair, Mellows are small winged creatures that often travel in fast flying swarms. They are very territorial, and will relentlessly pursue intruders who come too close to their bustling hives. Their amorphously hanging nests consist of layers of heavy membranes, and are attached to the ground and ceiling by strands of fibrous tissue.

Mellows can be killed with a single Long Beam shot, but the main goal should be the destruction of their nearby hive. They will continuously try to attack if alerted, so the safest strategy is to shoot at their hives from a distance with Charge Beam or Missiles. They'll retreat if their hive is destroyed, although the swarms will often attempt a fleeting hit as they fly away.

Freezing their hive will temporarily prevent additional Mellow reinforcements from exiting, but they will start to come out again once the hive thaws.