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Zebesian (Black)

  • Zebesian (Black)
Artist: yedi
Mother Ship

These elite Zebesians are stationed throughout the Space Pirate Mother Ship, but are relatively few in number. Unlike the Red Zebesians, which patrol a wider vicinity and will occasionally pursue intruders from room-to-room, the Black Zebesians won't stray far from their post and will guard their immediate territory with lethal efficiency. Their exoskeleton can withstand some of the most devastating attacks, making it especially difficult to fight them in close quarter combat.

Compared to the Red variant, Black Zebesians can fire their laser weaponry at a higher rate, as well as jump exceptionally high in some of the larger rooms. The major difference, however, lies in their defensive abilities. Black Zebesians are immune to Missiles, Screw Attack, and Power Bombs, and can only be killed with beam weapons: twelve consecutive shots with the Plasma Beam or three fully-charged shots. It's easiest to run past these Space Pirates, but if forced to confront them, avoid their attacks as best as you can and return fire as quickly as possible.