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  • Sidehopper
Kraid's Lair

An enemy whose name is derived specifically from its attack pattern: it hops from side to side. They basically consist of a head and two large, powerful legs that allow them to make great strides through the air. Sidehoppers can be found in the confusing rooms of Kraid, and can be quite a nuisance due to their random and unpredictable nature. Sidehoppers also are able to defy gravity and jump upside-down on the ceiling.

Sidehoppers should be either destroyed with missiles or Screw Attacked. Don't bother using beams when dealing with them.

When Skrees attack you in Kraid, their shrapnel consists of a Sidehopper foot instead of the normal sprite. This is because the Sidehopper foot was drawn over top of the Skree shrapnel on the graphics table for the Kraid region.