
- Planet
- Zebes
- Region
- Brinstar
These hardy insectoid creatures travel in swarms and flutter about in irregular patterns, attacking anything that comes within their path. Wavers will ram their prey, cracking bones, armor, or carapace with their sturdy shells, then extend a proboscus-like organ into the victim’s body and suck out fluids. The Waver’s mandibles can be used to enlarge the wound for easier feeding.
Much speculation was made regarding the Waver’s flight capabilities until a Galactic Federation science team revealed their shells are full of a helium-like gas that is activated once exposed to air. The gas keeps the Waver aloft and is carefully regulated to maintain altitude. The gas is also excreted to provide thrust, allowing it to achieve speeds in excess of 70kph. As a result, Wavers have a high metabolism and are thus very aggressive.
Wavers are tough enemies that will take multiple hits from the Normal Beam to destroy. Due to their irregular flight patterns, they are difficult to hit and are thus best frozen with the Ice Beam, destroyed with a missile, or avoided altogether. However, this can be difficult to do, as Wavers usually appear in swarms. Be extra careful when traveling through doors, as Wavers can easily fly into the door with you and travel to the next room, dealing massive damage along the way. Blue ones are tougher than the Green ones.
The Metroid: Other M concept art revealed the mating rituals of the Waver - a sight rarely observed, even in captivity.