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  • Krocuss
Artist: Cryophase
Light Aether
Torvus Bog

The Krocuss thrives on toxins it extracts from its surroundings. It secretes an acidic trail in its wake as it roams in search of nourishment. The durable mollusk can be damaged when it exposes its toxic-absorbing gills: few weapons can penetrate the creature's shell.

Krocusses are a non-aggressive creature that can be found in the Torvus Bog. They do damage upon contact, but will not actively attack Samus. Their locomotion can be described as an ungainly hopping pattern, instigated by their two long forelimbs. They appear to live in groups, like most of Aether’s fauna, but move independently of one another rather than as a unit.

Though not actively aggressive, Krocusses will do damage upon contact. Neither beam weapons, Missiles, nor Morph Ball Bombs will do damage unless aimed at the lower part of the Krocuss’ back when its gills are open. However, both the Boost Ball and Power Bombs will do damage regardless of where they are placed and whether the Krocuss’ gills are exposed. The latter weapon will kill it instantaneously.

A single shot of the Light Beam on its exposed gills is also sufficient to kill the Krocuss, as it will cause the creature to burn until its health is depleted. Super missiles will also kill them with a single hit if aimed correctly.

The Krocuss can only be found in the Grove Access room of Torvus bog. This room is only accessible after receiving the Boost Ball upgrade. Two are found in the pond in the center, while one other is near the door to the Forgotten Bridge.