As a die-hard fan of Metroid II: Return of Samus, I’ve been enjoying this new colorized patch. Many people have attempted to colorize this old classic but previous attempts seem like lazy efforts compared to this. The task to colorize Metroid II was initiated by EJR Tairne who, being a huge fan of the game himself, colorized it according to the atmosphere and ambience that the monochromatic adventure expressed.

EJR Tairne said:

…I’ve tried to apply as sensitive a paint job as I can. I mean this as a more considered alternative to some other colorizations, that seem content to just… not have the game be in black-and-white, as if that were an innate flaw. It’s not, and I try not to treat it as one. Rather, I’ve handled the color situationally: what does each area try to communicate, and how can I best bring that out?


I hope with this patch I can bring out the game’s inner beauty for players who may have overlooked it before, and lead a few more people to give the game the chance it deserves. Who knows; maybe a few will then ditch the patch, and just play it as intended. Then maybe a few more will be inspired as I was.


Fixed bugs, crashes and final polish was added by Justin Olbrantz (Quantam)


Download the patch here.


Direct Link to Download


To patch your Metroid II ROM file (which you shall provide):


  • Download an .IPS patching utility such as Lunar IPS
  • Run the program (Lunar IPS.exe)
  • Click the Apply IPS Patch button
  • Select your .IPS file, then your Metroid II .GB file
  • Save the patched file and run it on your emulator of choice.


The patch seems to run fine on most emulators I have tried, even on the BittBoy!
