Welcome to the Metroid Database!
This site is an unofficial resource dedicated to Nintendo’s Metroid videogame series.
The MDb first launched on October 16, 1996, making it the very first Metroid website on the Internet, and has since grown to become one of the largest, most comprehensive websites of Metroid-related information in the world! Please enjoy your stay at the Metroid Database and be sure to visit us again!
- The MDb was started by and maintained by one person, TJ Rappel, for the first five years of its existence.
- January 2002 brought about the first stages of a complete overhaul, and the site was relaunched in May 2002. With the newer, even more complete format came the addition of MDb staff members, affectionately known as “Team MDb.”
- In mid-2007, when three new dedicated members were added to the staff – “JesseD,” “CapCom,” and “Infinity’s End,” TJ passed the torch to them and the MDb took off once again, reaching out to Metroid fans far and wide.
- In September 2011, Rondus18 was added as a web developer to help complete the Bestiary, and later became a member of Team MDb.
- Then again in May 2017, Ryan recruited web developer Jarrod to help redesign the entire website. The new site relaunched on the MDb’s 21st anniversary: October 16, 2017.
Emailing us does not guarantee a reply. Spam, scams, non-Metroid/gaming related advertising partnerships, and general complaints or hate mail will be ignored.
We are always looking to hear from all Metroid fans, old and new! Use this email address for fan submissions, general news tips, ideas, or promotional opportunities. You can also reach out to us using any of our social media pages. (Click one of the icons at the top right corner of our site.)
Please notify us when you plan on using our material for something outside the MDb.
Credit for using artwork, graphics, files, or any other kind of information that originated from the Metroid Database is always greatly appreciated. This includes YouTube videos or other multimedia as well!
If there’s something you’re looking for that you can’t find anywhere, we’re open to suggestions and will consider adding certain items to the site if we can get ahold of them. You can also use this email to report broken links or images, or things that might not be working as intended. |
If you want to reach out to one of the individual staff members, please use our direct contact emails below.
Webmaster, Site Designer/Artist, Social Media Editor (all), Discord Admin, Twitch Streamer
Formerly known as “Infinity’s End” throughout the lifespan of the MDb. Ryan has been a huge Metroid fan ever since the original version. Super Metroid’s release caused this kid to rent the game on four separate occasions before he actually went out and bought his own copy. He has been playing it through at least once annually ever since. Ryan brings his skills to the table, as he is a college graduate in fine arts, and hopes to one day be a professional artist in the gaming industry. He has been visiting the MDb since ’99 and is the proud owner of a Samus tattoo that was given to him by TJ. Ryan also makes pixel art paintings as a hobby. |
Social Media Editor (Twitter), Discord Mod
Born in Germany, started with Metroid II and has since then played every game that even just had a Metroid cameo. It is not clear if his love for astronomy made him a Metroid fan or the other way around, but one thing is for sure, if you watch the movie Alien with age 6 you turn into an oddball. He can’t guarantee that he will not blow up the earth in a physics experiment at some point. |
Site Editor, Social Media Editor (Instagram/Facebook), Discord Mod
His love for Metroid started when an instruction manual for Metroid II was inexplicably among the inserts and instructions of a newly purchased Game Boy system. Studying the miniature booklet, he became so intrigued with the alien world and Samus’ suit design that he soon purchased the game and never looked back. Three years later, Super Metroid cemented his love for the series with its amazing gameplay, music & atmosphere. Rue has been visiting the MDb site since the year 2000 and is pretty obsessed with retro games & culture from his youth (particularly Nintendo). |
Social Media Editor (Facebook), Discord Mod
Carl is a lifelong Metroid fan and has the ink to prove it… a whole leg’s-worth! Like many others, the love started with Super; making homemade maps before he had Internet access. Something about item hunting must have resonated with him as he’s developed a fascination with metroid memorabilia and has quite the collection of statues and figures going. Web developer by trade and electrical and mechanical engineer by hobby, if he’s not in front of the screen, you can find him hunched over his next big invention. He likes to imagine when Samus isn’t in battle, she’s the same way with her ship. |

Site Maintenance
FirEmerald was first introduced to Metroid when he was given a copy of Zero Mission as a child. Out of the three games he owned at the time, he found it to be the most enjoyable, and eventually moved to discover more of the series. Later on, he found his favorite gaming series in the Metroid Prime trilogy and owns each title individually as well as the Metroid Prime Trilogy collection. He puts his enthusiasm for the franchise into the Minecraft mod Metroid Cubed as the current owner and developer. He first began work on maintaining the MDb website after the creation of the Metroid Dread game page in July 2021 and has since helped fix a few minor web issues.
TJ | Time worked: 1996 – 2006
Founder and Webmonster of the MDb
Of course this site would be nothing without TJ. Although he is no longer directly involved, we will always be grateful for his support and for founding this website. Please feel free to visit TJ’s retro game blog, Retro Game SuperHyper! |
Asaic | Time worked: 1996 – 2004
Contributing Editor, Mapmaker
Asaic has been a diehard Metroid fan since the original game came out in 1987. He stumbled upon the Metroid Database the very day it went live in 1996 and he and TJ became fast friends. He was around back before sequence breaking was a thing, discussing ideas on the forums such as picking up Power Bombs early in Super Metroid. His creative outlet is creating maps for his favorite video games, and the Metroid series is no exception. |
Devin | Time worked: 2006 – 2018
Site Editor, Music Archivist, Social Media Editor, Forum Administrator
Formerly known as “CapCom” throughout the lifespan of the MDb. Soon after his first introduction to the world of Metroid through Metroid II, Devin quickly absorbed Metroid and Super Metroid before stumbling on the MDb. After becoming closely involved in fan submissions, Metroid music recordings and remixes, TJ asked him to take over the reins of the site. Since then, he has concentrated on translations of interviews and manga and general Metroid lore. He currently teaches game design and game history. |
Jesse D | Time worked: 2007 – 2014
Web Developer, Contributing Editor, Forum Administrator
Jesse is another very close friend of the site, who greatly assisted in development for the site’s previous design, which lasted for 10 years. Jesse also contributed greatly to our Bestiary. One of Jesse’s earliest websites can still be found online: Metroid 2 Secret Worlds! |
Aurora Unit | Time worked: 2011 – 2014
Contributing Editor, Forum Moderator
Aurora Unit is a mysterious man who previously contributed to the blog posting staff for a time. |
Rondus18 | Time worked: 2011 – 2017
Web Developer
Rondus18 assisted with the development of the Bestiary and was one of the lead site developers for the last 6 years. We’ll always be grateful for his contributions. |
Apothem | Time worked: 2014 – 2017
Forum Moderator
Life long Metroid fan and frequent forumite since 2008, Apothem first came upon the MDb looking to make off with a few easy Metroid Prime 3 friend credits but was hooked by the sites excellent community full of awesome people. Proud owner of every original physical U.S. series release, franchise completionist, and amateur speed runner. Brought on in late 2014 to lend his signature verbosity – once constrained to the forums – to the MDb front page, dutifully reporting on any and all things even remotely Metroid related. Has a thing for geometry. Also recognizes the irony in the brevity of his own bio blurb. |
Michael | Time worked: 2012 – 2018
Contributing Editor, Forum Moderator
Formerly known as “James Pierce” throughout the lifespan of the MDb. After spending a ridiculous amount of time posting various Metroid related news and cameos, Michael was added to the team in the later half of 2012. Michael’s first Metroid game was Corruption which captivated him with the intuitive controls, and another fan was born. Since then Michael has acquired every Metroid game except for Zero Mission, and hopes to get it someday. A big fan of tracking down cameos. |
Jarrod | Time worked: 2017 – 2018
Web Developer, Social Media Editor
Jarrod has been a long time Metroid fan ever since Metroid 2. He is a die-hard fan of Metroid Prime and Super Metroid and makes sure to play them both at least once a year. He works as a web and database developer full time and spends free time playing Metroid, working with birds of prey at a local animal rehab center and playing Magic the Gathering and other collectible card games. |
Matthew | Time worked: 2010 – 2020
Site Editor, Social Media Editor (Facebook)
Matt started his Metroid journey with Super Metroid. The atmosphere intertwined with the mesmerizing music was an instant hit with him. When he finished the games, he needed more and turned to creating fanfiction to do so before discovering an entire world of Metroid merchandise and fans among the MDb and joined shortly after it’s inception as a lurker among the original forum. Spending time as a forum moderator and scanlator for the Metroid Manga and some of the early Samus and Joey helped him to finally contribute something worthwhile to the Metroid community. |
Lillith | Time worked: 2018 – 2021
Social Media Editor (Instagram), Discord Mod, Twitch Streamer
Lillith started her Metroid journey when her parents played the original game. Instead of Baby Mozart, Lillith listened to the various beam noises and wonderful soundtrack of the game in-utero. Her first video game was the critically-acclaimed Super Metroid, and as a child she pored over the official game guide until she memorized everything. Lillith wrote the Metroid fanfic “Virtual Reality” on the Nintendo nSider forums back in the day, and continues to doodle Metroid fan art on the daily. A self-proclaimed Samus fanatic, Lillith enjoys walks in the park and destroying alien scum. |
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*Linking to us and/or using our banners does not guarantee affiliation.
The MDb would not be what it is today without the generous contributions of information, images, advice, support or other assistance of the following individuals.
Metroid Database Bestiary Contributors:
Special thanks:
Lucas Altic
Tim Bodway
J.A. Boyd
Dina Buckley
Andreas Chatzopoulos
Charles Chiarelli
Chuck Cochems
Mark Dekker (MadMega)
Paul Deveau
Dragon Lord
Martin Elmer
Jeremy Endres
Falcon ZeroLuca Falzoni
Juan Palma Garcia
Ken Gifford (|tsr) |
John Grabetz (VGMStudios)
Andy Grass
Tyler Gregg
Alexander Haitz
Kent Hansen (SnowBro)
Erik Hartenian
Kelby Hartson
Niels ‘t Hooft
Darren Kerwin
Andrea Koupal
Jim Lager
Johnny Luchetti
Jonathan Masiello
Matt MartinMatthew Mullins
J.J. McCullough
Jay McGavren |
Mike Meyer (Tetris)
John Morey (Ridley)
Dan Owsen (Nintendo of America)
David Park
Niels Ravn
Ryan Razon
Andy Schmidgall
Steve Schultz
Stan Sy (starvingartist)
Nathaniel Tabit
Elias Thompson
Michael Veroni
Don Vo
Howie Voigt
Tim Walker
Erik Winzeler
Mike Zaimont |
…and of course thank YOU for visiting.
(Apologies if your name belongs on this list and is missing!)
- The content provided on this website is for entertainment and educational purposes only. All original content is © 1996-present Metroid Database. Original MDb content, including but not limited to graphic design, images, HTML coding, artwork, audio files, video files and text, may not be used on other websites or duplicated in any other media, unless authorized permission is granted via a written agreement beforehand.
- Nintendo owns copyrights on all aspects of its Metroid video game franchise and related products, including but not limited to: names, characters, storylines, audiovisual, pictorial and graphic works.
- The Metroid Database, or MDb, is an unofficial fan site and is not affiliated with Nintendo of America, Inc., Nintendo Co., Ltd., or its subsidiaries and business partners.
- The authors take NO credit and imply NO rights to any official images, text or other works contained herein. Watermarks have been placed on some files to denote the files themselves as having been created and/or stored by the Metroid Database, and to deter thievery by other websites; these watermarks do not imply any legal ownership by the Metroid Database whatsoever.
- The Metroid Database does not provide or distribute official game ROMs. The MDb wishes to cooperate with Nintendo and the ISDA by avoiding the illegal distribution of such copyrighted material.
- Metroid Database Privacy Policy
The MDb is best viewed in Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Microsoft Edge.
The MDb is generated using WordPress with a custom developed theme and CMS backend created by Jarrod Rizor.
Graphics have been created using Adobe Photoshop, digital cameras, and/or scanners.
We also provide a RSS 2.0 feed.
This site is graciously hosted by Konfiskated Teknologies.