Official instruction manual for Metroid Fusion.
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Metroid Fusion for Nintendo Game Boy Advance US Instruction Manual (c) 2002 Nintendo Typed by Andy Schmidgall 1 [Front Cover] Metroid Fusion Instruction Booklet 2 [IFC] [warning text omitted] WARNING - Seizures [text omitted] 3 WARNING - Repetitive Motion Injuries [text omitted] WARNING - Battery Leakage [text omitted] 4 ESRB rating (E for Everyone) Nintendo Seal of Quality [text omitted] 5 CONTENTS Hovering Energy Organism: Metroid ....................6 From the Journal of Samus Aran... ....................8 Controls ............................................12 Samus's Actions .....................................14 Starting the Game ...................................16 Saving ..............................................17 Navigation Rooms ....................................19 The Game Screen .....................................20 The Map Screen ......................................22 Biologic Space Labs .................................26 Samus's Abilities ...................................28 Items ...............................................35 Special Blocks ......................................36 Hatches .............................................37 Enemies Imitated by X parasites .....................38 A Brief History Lesson ..............................40 The Metroid Series ..................................41 Warranty and Service Information ....................43 6-7 HOVERING ENERGY ORGANISM: METROID In Cosmic year 20X5, a Galactic Federation exploration vessel discovered an unknown organism on SR388. The hovering creature was a Metroid, an entity that exhibited frightening parasitic, energy-absorbing properties. Some time later, gifted bounty hunter Samus Aran was dispatched alone to engage the Zebesian Space Pirates who abducted the Metroid specimen for use as a weapon. On Zebes, Samus also encountered the biomechanical Mother Brain, leader of the Space Pirates, and dispatched her in a bitter fight. From then on, Metroids were viewed as a highly dangerous life form. Eventually, Samus Aran was sent to SR388 to exterminate the last remaining Metroids - but only after an entire Federation platoon was wiped out in an earlier attempt. At the end of her battle on SR388, one Metroid hatchling was born before Samus's eyes and it imprinted upon her as a mother figure. Samus took this larval Metroid, the last in the universe, to the Galactic Space Academy for observation and research. This research revealed several possible applications of Metroid-based technology for the betterment of humanity. The unique energy-absorption properties of Metroid could be harnessed when they were artificially reproduced in captivity. Just when it seemed as if peace might prevail in the galaxy, Space Pirates returned for the Metroid hatchling and took it back to Zebes. Samus followed the Pirates back to Zebes and fought to exterminate their threat and save the last Metroid. In the final battle with Mother Brain, the hatchling saved Samus, giving up its life in the process. Samus succeeded in defeating Mother Brain, but the universe lost the promise of using Metroid for the power of good. 8-11 FROM THE JOURNAL OF SAMUS ARAN... SR388. A vile planet, former home of the Metroids. After so many years, the remaining creatures on this planet still seemed to be trying to recreate a natural hierarchy, one without Metroids at the top. Biologic Space Labs was hired by the Federation to observe this restructuring of the ecosystem. And because of my experience on SR388, the Federation governor for this sector hired me to provide field assistance on the planet. So, once again I found myself drawn to that forsaken rock. The biological sample collection was going smoothly on the planet's surface when I came into contact with an organism I had never before encountered. The organism was an undiscovered unnamed parasitic life form, which the researchers later called "X." Thinking little of it at the time, I boarded a ship and set out for the next collection point. Suddenly I felt my entire body seize up, and I lost consciousness. The ship began to drift away from planetary orbit toward an asteroid belt. Thankfully, an auto-escape pod jettisoned me from the craft before the ship was destroyed. The researchers in the newly constructed research station orbiting SR388 sent a shuttle to recover the pod shortly thereafter. However, in the time since my infection, the X had multiplied rapidly in my body and had even infected my Power Suit. My heart rate and blood pressure dropped rapidly as I fell into a deep coma. The Onboard Medic Simulation predicted only a 0.873% prognosis for survival. I was transported to Galactic Federation HQ for emergency medical treatment. The fact that the Power Suit contained biological components and was also integrally connected to my body seemed to worsen the matter. The Federation surgeons were unable to remove the suit while I was unconscious. Their only choice was to cut and remove parts of the infected suit from my still-unconscious form; immediately after, the sent the suit parts to the Biologic Space labs research station for study. Even with the parts removed, however, the X infection was spreading rapidly through my nervous system, and the researchers monitoring my deterioration knew of no cure. Someone proposed a desperate treatment: create a vaccine from Metroid cells. Apparently the Federation had preserved a cell culture from the last Metroid. The scientists quickly prepared and administered the vaccine. The symptoms of the infection disappeared instantly, and all of the X parasites within me died in moments. I am still amazed by the serendipity of this result... When I woke, the scientists told me that the hatchling had saved me once again. Almost immediately after I awoke, we received a distress call from the research station. "Emergency! Explosion of unknown origin in the Quarantine Bay!" The screams from the com receiver were loud enough for me to hear even in the infirmary. I knew that something terrible was about to happen...was already happening. I immediately boarded the ship the Federation had provided me and sent a reply message: "Docking with Biologic Space labs station in 10 minutes. Prepare the landing bay!" X-PARASITIC ORGANISMS X seem to have originated on SR388, which is also home to their sole predator, the Metroids. Since Samus Aran exterminated the Metroid on SR388, the X have overrun and infected most of the life-forms on the planet. PROPERTIES OF X PARASITES X infect other creatures and grow in the nervous systems of these host organism. Even more worrisome is their ability to control and assume the appearance and behavior of other life-forms through mimesis, a process of infection and replication. The X must somehow be capable of assuming the memories and genetic information of their hosts. X PARASITES VS. SAMUS The X parasites react adversely to the presence of Metroid tissue and even associate the Metroid cells in Samus's body with their natural enemies. X parasites within reach of Samus will attack viciously and relentlessly. ABSORBING X PARASITES Since receiving the Metroid vaccine, Samus has begun to incorporate some properties of Metroid into her own genetic makeup. This allows her to absorb X parasites in their gelatinous form to replenish her supply of energy and missiles. After defeating organisms infected by the X parasites, Samus must capture the X in its true form as it escapes from the dead host. 12-13 CONTROLS Controlling Samus Aran L Button: Aim Samus's weapon up at an angle + down Aim Samus's weapon down at an angle + Control Pad: Left/Right Move Hold down to dash Up Aim Samus's weapon straight up Climb ladders Deactivate Morph Ball Down Crouch Climb down ladders Down-Down Activate Morph Ball Left/Right/Up Grab ladders in mid-jump Up/Down Control elevators Non-Action Controls: + Select (A) Confirm (B) Cancel (B) Return to previous screen Reset with (A)+(B)+SELECT+START R Button: Ready missiles +(B) Fire missiles A Button: Jump Left/Right + (A) Spin Jump Release ladders B Button: Shoot (Fire beam weapons and missiles) Charge Shot (Press and hold to charge, release to fire) Drop bombs in Morph Ball mode Drop Power Bombs (Press and hold the R Button, then press the B Button) START: Display map (R) Display status screen from map screen (L) Display sleep-mode screen from map screen SELECT: +(L)+(R) Deactivate Sleep Mode You must first recover Speed Booster, Morph Ball, and Charge Shot abilities. (See pg. 30 for details.) You also must download Missile, Bomb, and Power Bomb data. (See pg. 31 for details.) 14-15 SAMUS'S ACTIONS Here are some of Samus's basic actions. Master them to move smoothly through the game. NORMAL JUMP AND SPIN JUMP Press the A Button to jump. Move left or right while jumping to perform a Spin Jump. HANGING FROM LEDGES Jump toward ledges to reach out and grab them. Some are harder to reach than others, but don't give up! SPIN JUMP ATTACK (MUST POSSES CHARGE BEAM) Charge up a beam shot and then perform a Spin Jump to damage enemies vulnerable to the Charge Beam. LADDERS Samus can grab on to ladders by facing and jumping toward them. To let go of a ladder, use the + Control Pad to choose a direction and then press the A button. Samus will always do a Spin Jump off ladders. TRAVELING THROUGH NARROW AREAS Narrow spaces will become navigable once Samus has recovered the Morph Ball ability. Press down twice on the + Control pad to change into the Morph Ball. To pass through areas like the one shown here, jump up and grab the corner. Then press up once on the + Control Pad to automatically shift into the Morph Ball. 16 STARTING THE GAME Properly insert the Game Pak into your Game Boy Advance system and turn the power ON. After the title screen comes up, press START. Next, the Samus Data screen will appear. Up to three files can be saved here. Use the + Control pad to select a data file, select Start, and press the A Button to confirm. To use headphones, select the headphone icon with the + Control Pad, select a game file, and begin playing. The game will now be in stereo. The investigation of the space station now begins. *Saved data files can be copied and erased on the Samus Data screen. (See pg. 18 for details.) 17-18 SAVING After saving, the game will continue from the last Save Room. Don't forget that the only way to save a game is by accessing a Save Room. SAVING GAME DATA When you access a Save Station in a Save Room, the game will ask you if you want to save. Select YES with the + Control Pad, and press the A Button to confirm. A message will display confirming save completion. *If the power is turned OFF during game play, the game will continue from the last saved point. ERASING/COPYING SAVED DATA Saved data files can be copied and erased on the Samus Data screen. COPYING GAME DATA 1. Select the data file to be copied and press the A Button. 2. Select Copy Data and press the A Button. 3. Choose where the data will be copied to then press the A Button to copy. ERASING DATA 1. Select the game data to be erased and press the A Button. 2. Select Erase Data and press the A Button. 3. Choose Yes then press the A Button to erase. ERASING ALL SAVED DATA Turn the Game Boy Advance ON while pressing the L and R Buttons to display the Erase All Data Screen. Choose Yes when asked if you want to access this screen, and confirm with the A Button. Next, choose Yes to erase all saved game data, and confirm by pressing the A Button. 19 NAVIGATION ROOMS On this mission, Samus will receive directions in Navigation Rooms. These contain individual terminals through which Samus can access her ship's main computer. The computer takes the conditions of the research station as well as Samus's physical shape into consideration when formulating Samus's next move. ABOUT ADAM The concise and logical instruction Samus receives from her ship's computer reminds her of her former Galactic Federation commanding officer, Adam Malkovich. As a result, she has christened the computer Adam. 20-21 THE GAME SCREEN MISSILES Number of missiles Samus is carrying. If this number is 0, Samus cannot fire missiles. ENERGY Amount of energy Samus possesses. If this reaches 0, the game is over. ENERGY TANK Samus's energy supply. One tank contains 100 energy points. POWER BOMB Number of Power Bombs Samus is carrying. If this number is 0, Samus cannot use Power Bombs. MAP Displays the map for the area in which Samus is present. (See pg. 22 for map details.) SAMUS ARAN [Points to Samus on the game screen] HATCH Security doors designed to keep out intruders. They can be opened by disarming security, shooting them, etc. (See pg. 37 for details.) X PARASITE [Points to an X Parasite on the game screen] 22-25 THE MAP SCREEN Press START to pause the game and pull up the map screen. Press START again to exit the map screen and return to the game. On this screen, the areas that Samus has explored will appear in pink. Use the + Control pad to scroll across the map. Press the A Button to confirm Samus's current objective. Any areas shown in green are hidden areas that did no originally appear on the map. There is a good possibility that these areas contain valuable secrets. Use a variety of techniques to find these areas, as they can dramatically affect the progress of the game. MAP DISPLAY NAVIGATION ROOMS Receive mission briefings here. When you stand in front of a computer terminal in a Navigation Room, the map screen will appear and instruction will begin. (See pg. 19 for details.) SAVE STATIONS Save current game data in these areas. (See pg. 17 for details.) DATA ROOMS Come here to download ability data. (See pg. 28 for details.) RECHARGE STATIONS Samus can recharge energy and missiles in these rooms. Stand on the Recharging Unit so Samus can recharge via her weapon barrel. ELEVATORS Stand on the elevators and activate them by pressing Up/Down on the + Control Pad. [Dot icon] FOUND ITEMS [Open circle icon] ITEMS REMAINING *Press the R Button on the map screen to move to the Status screen. Press the L Button to move to the Sleep Mode screen. (See pg. 24 and 25 for details.) VIEWING STATUS Press the R Button on the map screen to view the Status screen. Usable abilities can be confirmed on this screen. ABOUT SLEEP MODE From this screen, you can access Sleep Mode. This mode allows you to conserve battery life without turning the game off. The Sleep Mode function is convenient when you want to take a short break, but aren't near a Save Station. INITIALIZING SLEEP MODE From the map screen, press the L Button to display the Sleep Mode screen. Use the + Control Pad to select Yes and press the A Button to confirm. The screen will go dark, indicating that the Game Boy Advance has entered Sleep Mode. EXITING SLEEP MODE Press SELECT + L Button + R Button at the same time to exit Sleep Mode and return to the map screen. *If the power is turned OFF while in Sleep Mode, the next game will begin from the last Save Station accessed. Caution! If Sleep Mode is left on for a long time, the battery power may run out. 26-27 BIOLOGIC SPACE LABS Metroid Fusion takes place aboard a gigantic space station, home to Biologic Space Labs research facilities. Here is a simple schematic of the station. SECTOR 1 (SRX) This sector reproduces the environment of planet SR388 SECTOR 3 (PYR) This sector is used to research creatures living in extremely hot habitats. SECTOR 5 (ARC) This sector is used to research creatures living in extremely cold habitats. OPERATIONS DECK DOCKING BAYS This is where Samus first enters the space station. Her ship is located here. HABITATION DECK MAIN DECK This area contains elevator access, storage, etc. SECTOR 2 (TRO) This sector is used to research creatures living in humid habitats. SECTOR 4 (AQA) Sector 4 is used to research marine creatures. SECTOR 6 (NOC) This sector is used to research nocturnal creatures. REACTOR SILO 28-34 SAMUS'S ABILITIES RECOVERING SAMUS'S LOST ABILITIES When the X parasites attacked Samus, her power suit became contaminated, and pieces of it had to be surgically removed. As a result, the majority of Samus's abilities were lost. However, the Metroid vaccine, which was used to treat her, radically affected her physical makeup, giving her the ability of a Metroid to resist the X parasites. In effect, she was reborn as the ultimate X parasite predator. DOWNLOADING DATA There are two ways for Samus to reclaim her lost abilities. The first is to download data prepared for her by headquarters. This data is sent as it becomes available, and Adam will inform Samus when it arrives. ABSORB CORE-X The other method for reclaiming lost abilities is to absorb a mega-sized X parasite known as a Core-X. The image here is one of several types of these dangerous creatures. The abilities of the Core-X parasites differ from type to type, but the thick thorny membrane that encases them is a common feature. This tough casing must be ruptured by a powerful attack, such as a Missile blast, to render the core vulnerable to absorption. Some of the Core-X parasites are incredibly powerful -- engage them with caution. A Core-X will release X parasites when shot with beam weapons. Try using this to your advantage when low on missiles or energy. SPECIAL ABILTIES MORPH BALL Use this power to roll into a ball and move through narrow passageways. Press down twice on the + Control Pad. HI-JUMP Increases jump ability. This also allows Samus to jump while in Morph Ball mode. SPEED BOOSTER Dash at supersonic speeds and crash through certain barriers and enemies. Press and hold the + Control Pad in the direction you want to dash. SPACE JUMP Perform consecutive Spin Jumps. With practice, it's possible to use the propulsion to "fly." SCREW ATTACK Hit enemies with Spin Jumps to cause damage. TYPES OF BOMBS BOMBS These limitless bombs can only be used in combination with the Morph Ball. They cause damage to enemies and can also be used to destroy certain sections of the walls and floors. Press the B Button while in Morph Ball mode. POWER BOMBS This is the bomb in its most powerful form. Its explosion encompasses the entire screen, damaging a limited number of enemies. While in Morph Ball mode, press and hold the R Button then press the B Button. BEAMS NORMAL This is the standard beam Samus possesses at the beginning of the game. CHARGE Charge up the normal beam's energy for a more powerful shot. Press and hold the B Button. Release when energy is built up. WIDE Use the Wide Beam to shoot three normal beams at the same time. The possibility of hitting something greatly increases. PLASMA This beam passes through enemies, hitting multiple targets. WAVE Shoot through obstacles with this undulating beam. MISSILES NORMAL These are the standard Missiles Samus downloads early in the game. SUPER Super Missiles are a more powerful version of the normal Missiles. ICE Use Ice Missiles to freeze enemies for a limited time. Samus can walk on frozen enemies. DIFFUSION Fire Diffusion Missiles while charged to release a power blast that damages all enemies within a certain radius. Press and hold the R Button then fire the Missiles when charged up. SUITS FUSION SUIT The standard suit Samus posses at the beginning of the game. VARIA SUIT Reduces the damage suffered from enemy attacks. Nullifies damage from high and low temperatures. GRAVITY SUIT Further reduces damage from enemy attacks. Allows for normal movement in aquatic and other areas. Also protects Samus from lava. 35 ITEMS Several types of power-up items are hidden throughout the space station. ENERGY TANK Increases the number of Energy Tanks and recharges all of the existing tanks. MISSILE TANK Increases the number of Missiles Samus can carry. POWER BOMB TANK Increases the number of power Bombs Samus can carry. 36 SPECIAL BLOCKS Within the space station there are special areas in the floors and walls that can be broken. FAKE BLOCKS Fake Blocks cover secret passageways throughout the space station. Some of these are cracked and easily discovered, but some look completely normal. Fake Blocks can be destroyed with bombs or beam attacks. To find them all, try bombing and shooting walls and floors as much as possible. PIT BLOCKS These blocks crumble and vanish when you walk on them. MISSILE BLOCKS Use Missiles to remove these blocks. BOOST BLOCKS Break through the Boost Blocks after recovering the speed Booster. Reaching the necessary speed requires some distance, so start running in the room next to the room containing Boost Blocks. BOMB BLOCKS Only Bombs can destroy these special blocks. POWER BOMB BLOCKS Use Power Bombs to destroy these special blocks. SCREW ATTACK BLOCKS Use the Screw Attack to break these blocks apart. 37 HATCHES The hatches in the space station are open or locked depending on the station conditions. Shoot hatches to open them. Some hatches my require that locks be deactivated remotely before they will open. GRAY HATCHES Security level 0 BLUE HATCHES Security level 1 GREEN HATCHES Security level 2 YELLOW HATCHES Security level 3 RED HATCHES Security level 4 SPECIAL HATCHES These can only be opened by fulfilling certain conditions. HATCH-BLOCKSING ENEMIES Destroy hatch-blocking enemies with Missiles. SHUTTERS Shutter can be opened by shooting the lamps with beams. 38-39 ENEMIES IMITATED BY X PARASITES All of the enemies Samus encounters are imitations of or infested versions of the creatures that were research subjects on the space station. Attack them to reveal the X parasites hidden within. HORNOAD Native life-form of SR388. These jumping frog-like creatures inhabit caves. ARACHNUS Native life-form of SR388. They will roll themselves into balls and attack. Dodge and attack with missiles. ZOMBIE RESEARCHERS These shambling creatures are probably the result of X parasites absorbing a slime creature's DNA then infesting staff researchers. They're remarkably similar to zombies. ZEBESIAN SPACE PIRATES These feared aliens once tried to use Metroid to further their schemes. They cling to walls and attack. The X parasites take on many forms and attack from every vantage poin possible. Use caution when moving through the space station. 40 A BRIEF HISTORY LESSON While is has come to light in recent years that the Metroids were created by the ancient Chozo civilization, it is no common knowledge that they were created for the purpose of driving out the X parasites. At some point in the past, the X parasites, which posses a terrible propagation power, threatened to overwhelm the ecosystem of their home world SR388 with their vast numbers. Something was needed to check this impending disaster. That "something" came in the form of the Metroids. When the Metroids, the X parasites' only known predators, were made extinct by Samus's hand, the X parasites once again began to multiply with ferocious speed. Ironically, the X parasites were subsequently responsible for nearly killing Samus when they infested her Power Suit. In a further twist, Samus's life was saved by an injection of an experimental vaccine containing Metroid DNA. As the inheritor of the Metroids' powers, Samus becomes the only being capable of opposing the X parasite horde. In a piece of ancient Chozo literature, and interesting reference to Metroids was found. It seems that the word Metroid in the Chozo language can be roughly translated as "ultimate warrior." With the introduction of Metroid DNA to her system, the reborn Samus Aran is perhaps the most appropriate successor to this title of ultimate warrior. 41 THE METROID SERIES In 1986, Metroid was released on the Nintendo Entertainment System. This game was followed by the release of Metroid II, in 1991, and Super Metroid in 1994. Nintendo Entertainment System METROID Stop the Space Pirates and preserve galactic peace! Game Boy METROID II: RETURN OF SAMUS Exterminate all remaining Metroids! Super Nintendo Entertainment System SUPER METROID Destroy the Space Pirates and save the last Metroid! Game Boy Advance METROID FUSION Exterminate the X parasites and save the universe! 42 IMPORTANT [Copying text omitted] 43 [IBC] WARRANTY AND SERVICE INFORMATION [Text omitted] [Back Cover] NEED HELP WITH INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE OR SERVICE? [Nintendo logo] CUSTOMER SERVICE WWW.NINENDO.COM Or call 1-800-255-3700 MON. - SAT., 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.; SUN., 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Pacific Time (Times subject to change) Nintendo of America, Inc. P.O. Box 957, Redmond, WA 98073-0957 U.S.A. PRINTED IN JAPAN