Find out how to view all the different endings to Metroid Fusion.

Metroid Fusion is the most story-driven of the 2D Metroids, and has a suitable ending to match. After defeating the monstrous mutated form of the SA-X, the SR-X Station begins its countdown to destruction. As you make it to the docking bay, a huge Omega Metroid jumps in and starts attacking! It is invulnerable to your weapons, and in one fell swoop, the Omega downs Samus...but the core of the SA-X comes to your rescue and begins attacking the Omega! The Omega also claws the SA-X and transforms it back into its core form. Though all hope seems lost, Samus uses this opportunity to merge with the SA-X, making her suit become whole once more; allowing her to use the ice beam to defeat the Omega Metroid. Samus then flies away in her ship with seconds to spare.
- B.S.L. SR-X Station sinks into SR-388's atmosphere
- Station explodes on the surface as Samus's ship flies out just in time!
- SR-388 explodes behind Samus's escaping ship
- Cut to Samus sitting in her ship, with the following dialogue:
That perfect military mind... The wisdom of Adam Malkovich continued to serve even after death. Until today, I had no idea that the minds of leaders and scientists were frequently uploaded to computers. My incredible reunion with Adam may have saved the universe...
But how will the beings of the universe view our resolve? I doubt they will understand what we did...the danger we barely averted. They will hold tribunals and investigations. They will hold us responsible. Adam understood this, and he spoke to me in my anger...
"Do not worry. One of them will understand. One of them must."
I've reflected upon his words, and I see the wisdom in them. We are all bound by our experiences. They are the limits of our consciousness.
But in the end, the human soul will ever reach for the truth... This is what Adam taught me.
Just one detail still bothers me. This ship can only be started manually. Yet, before I faced the Omega Metroid, the ship moved on its own, guided by someone's hands. Is it possible? Adam...? - Cut to computer screen with dialogue:
Lady, what's troubling you? You wonder how I started the ship? Just think about it. They lent me a hand. - Pan up of the Dachoras and Etecoons sleeping peacefully
- Credits roll
- The Samus completion picture
ENDING ONE | Image (NA Version) | Image (JP Version)
(< 2 hours with 100% items for NA/EU version)
(< 2 hours with 100% items on Hard for JP version)
Samus' armor disappears, and shows Samus with a blue top and shorts with the classic "hand on one hip" pose.
Then it cuts to a slow pan up of a vignette of Samus with her hand on her hip, on a starfield background.
(> 2 hours with 100% items for NA/EU version)
(> 2 hours with 100% items on Hard for JP version)
Samus' helmet disappears, revealing her face with the classic "hand on one hip" pose.
Then it cuts to a slow pan up of art with Samus with her fingers in her hair in a city.
(< 2 hours for NA/EU version)
(< 2 hours on Hard for JP version)
Samus's armor disappears, and shows Samus with a blue top and shorts with the classic "hand on one hip" pose.
Then it cuts to a slow pan up of art with Samus relaxing with a planetscape in the background.
(2-4 hours for NA/EU version)
(2-4 hours on Hard for JP version)
Samus' helmet disappears, revealing her face with the classic "hand on one hip" pose.
Then it cuts to a slow pan up of art with helmetless Samus, back turned and still in the Fusion suit. She is looking back at us, smiling and waving.
(< 4 hours for NA/EU version)
(< 4 hours on Hard and any time in Easy for JP version)
Samus stays armored with the classic "hand on one hip" pose.
Then it cuts to a slow pan up of art with armored Samus. She seems to be flexing her bicep with a clenched fist.
As each ending pans up, your Clear Time is revealed along with "YOUR RATE FOR COLLECTING ITEMS IS xx%" and "See you next mission"
These endings only appear in the Japanese version of Metroid Fusion on Normal mode.
This artwork heavily adheres to the events depicted in the Metroid Manga.
(< 2 hours with 100% items)
(> 2 hours with 100% items)
(> 2 hours)
(2-4 hours)
(< 4 hours)
After beating the game once on any difficulty, you unlock a Gallery. The Gallery comes with your ending and 2 bonus images, seen here.
As you beat the game multiple times and unlock the other endings, they are automatically added to your Gallery. All of Fusion's ending images are also unlockable in Metroid Zero Mission by linking up with another GameBoy Advance.