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Metroid Database Presents:
Make-a-Metroid Contest!
Fall/Winter 2009

1st Place
Name: Kevin Rayner
He came, he saw, he conquered. In a unanimous decision, we award the 1st prize winner to Kevin Rayner, who was able to create this extremely realistic metroid in all its glory. Kevin's quality, creativity, and above all else, attention to detail make his entry far and above the best one we received. (click for video!) Congrats, Kevin!

2nd Place
Name: Jay Field
We award Jay Field our 2nd place winner with his excellent entry. He created not just one, but four different iterations of Metroid: the egg, baby, larva, and Zeta forms. Jay's entry won over our energy tanks by using a variety of materials and transforming a dinosaur toy into a Zeta. (it growls!) Congrats, Jay!

3rd Place
Name: Alvin Gordian
In 3rd place, the award goes to Alvin Gordian, (aka Etecoon on our forums) who created a very clean and high-quality metroid. We think he did a great job sculpting the nuclei on the inside as well as drawing the veins. The result is something he can be proud of that will look great sitting on his desk for years to come. Congrats to Alvin!

Honorable Mentions:
- Chainmailletroid by Britt Oertel
- Gingerbread Cookie Metroid and Samus by Ian Wagner-Smith
- Balloontroid by Aryn D
- Meshtroid by Jessica M.
And here are all the entries!
Congratulations to the winners and a BIG THANKS to all who entered!
Pat yourselves on the back guys, you're all winners in my book.
It's the Metroid Database's "Make-a-Metroid" Contest!
To celebrate our 13th anniversary and the holiday season of 2009, we are having our very first contest. All you have to do is make a Metroid out of whatever you want, and win! Simple as that.
The creators of the three best Metroids will win a variety of prizes:

1st place prize:
- Metroid Prime Trilogy for Wii
- $50 Gift Card to Amazon.com
- Metroid Prime Trilogy official poster
- Signed 11x17 Metroid Artwork Print by Ivan Flores*
- Metroid Metal "Varia Suite" album signed by Stemage
- 2 Official Metroid Metal Stickers
2nd place prize:
- Metroid Prime 3: Corruption for Wii
- Metroid Prime 3 T-Shirt (black, Size L)
- Samus Wall Sticker
- Signed 11x17 Metroid Artwork Print by Ivan Flores*
- Metroid Metal "Varia Suite" album signed by Stemage
- 2 Official Metroid Metal Stickers
3rd place prize:
- Metroid Classic Series for GBA
- Metroid Prime 3 T-Shirt (white, Size L)
- Signed 11x17 Metroid Artwork Print by Ivan Flores*
- Metroid Metal "Varia Suite" album signed by Stemage
- 2 Official Metroid Metal Stickers
*There are 3 Prints to choose from. 1st place chooses which one they want, followed by 2nd place. The 3rd place winner gets the remaining print.
Email your entries to:
** Editor's note: This contest is no longer running. Anything sent to the above address will not reach us!
Official Rules:
- Create a Metroid using any kind of material or materials. (Be it plastic, clay, junk or trash, food, etc. The more creative the better. Big, small, heavy, light, soft, or squishy, go crazy!)
- No drawings or 3D CGI accepted. The Metroid must be a real, physical object you can touch.
- Take a photograph (or even upload a video if you want) of your creation and send it to us!
- Just so we know it's your work, have a note with "MDb" on it somewhere in the image.
- Entries are due by December 31, 2009 -- GET CRACKIN!
Entries will be judged by the MDb staff. Winners will be announced on January 4, 2010.
Contest is for US residents only. (Shipping costs are too high for anywhere else.)
Games are North America NTSC versions.
We will be posting ALL the entries on this page when the contest is over, regardless of quality.
Good luck and HAVE FUN!
For Questions, Comments, and Concerns, please refer to the General Contest Thread on our forum.