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Metroid Database Presents:
Design-An-Enemy Contest!
Fall 2010
1st Place
Cryptumor by Chozo Child
The Cryptumor looks like it flew straight out of Metroid Prime, down to the grapple-shaped tail. The idea of an enemy that will actually get angry at being used as a grapple point provided some much-needed variety to an enemy that's often taken for granted . now you have to be careful what you disturb! Chozo Child obviously spent a lot of work creating the 3D models and included Prime-style sketches for her logs, and the 'Call of the Cryptumor' completed this entry. Great job, Chozo Child!
2nd Place
Maalm by MaiAriSquee
MaiAriSquee's two entries look like they came straight out of the Metroid II design book - incredibly weird animals reminiscent of the Gravitt and Yumbo. We picked the Maalm with its vivid description of the creature's life cycle because it is the most alien out of all the creatures we'd seen . can you imagine rolling down a tunnel and suddenly encountering one of these things? Looks cute enough on the surface, but watch out for that mouth! I also want to give props to the Kanitake . I really enjoyed the idea of a Geemer-type enemy that would spray spores out its back when attacked!
3rd Place
Pholthot by Sasuke1986
The Pholthot was one of the two enemies we received that had a description of what it actually does. The concept art seems taken directly from Metroid Fusion while the cartoon describes how gameplay would work quite well. We loved the unpredictable nature of its attacks . is it going to strike where you are now, where you're going to dodge, or self-destruct? This could create some interesting encounters in tight spaces! The creature lore was also very evocative of its location, putting it a step ahead of the runners-up.
Name: Pholthot Planet: Hirosas, a once inhabited world that is now 80% enshrouded in fog. Habitat: Vetax Burial Grounds, a massive tomb located far underground. Entry: An apparition has taken control of an inoperable combat-capture drone, forming a Pholthot. The drone is powered by the apparition, allowing it to move and use its weaponry, which may consist of a harpoon, a pair of freeze cannons, and a pair of particle mortars. Dispersing the apparition with energy-based weaponry is the best way of dealing with Pholthots, as the drone can take severe damage and still be usable. Beware, as the Pholthot's ancient weaponry may go out of control or backfire. Other Notes: The drones exclusively controlled are rather antiquated, from Hirosas' warring era at that, and it is very rare for one to have all weaponry intact, though even a near-totaled drone can still be made formidable by the apparition. Pholthots may be docile upon forming, though they will aggressively confront anything they perceive as an intruder and have occasionally pursued targets through several rooms. While it is rare for a Pholthot to form without something nearby to provoke it, there have been instances where an apparition took command of a drone for no discernible reason. A passive Pholthot will calmly patrol a portion of the tomb, clearing gaps and walls with jumps when necessary. If a drone becomes too damaged for even the apparition to control, usually due to the total destruction of a leg, the Pholthot may return to its original components to reform elsewhere when the apparition finds another drone in better condition. They never leave the burial grounds. The drones, when in good condition and fully equipped, are approximately 18 inches / 45.7 centimeters high and weigh 187 pounds / 84.8 kilograms. The apparitions vary in size and show up randomly on differing imaging sensors as floating spheres. Attacks * Attempts to leap and lunge at target, using the harpoon as a melee weapon. May attempt to club targets with body when without a harpoon. * Aims and fires multi-purpose harpoon at target. While powerful, the line may occasionally snap and prevent the harpoon from being used again. * Launches short-ranged bursts from its freeze cannons, though the freezing effect can be shaken off in a few seconds. The cannons may backfire at times, freezing the drone instead. * Fires a volley of slow-moving, explosive energy pellets from its back-mounted particle mortars. The trajectory of the shots occasionally causes some pellets to fall back and hit the drone, and shots may sometimes jam, causing the mortars to detonate.
Honorable Mentions:
Morphology: Y'drek'yllian Very large sentient aggressor species of extragalactic origin. Well trained in many forms of combat. Vulnerable to ultra-frigid temperatures. The Empire of Y'drek'yl is vast - spanning multiple galaxies. The secret to the Y'drek'yllians' success lies with their military structure - a combination of superior weaponry, high mobility, extreme adaptability, and above all else, a martial discipline system that has remained unchanged for nearly two million years. Fanatical to the point of zealotry, Y'drek'yllian society is completely geared around war; all males are required to serve a minimum of six hundred years in the military. Upon entering the service, each soldier is given a highly ornate modular armor suit and a plethora of biomechanical augmentations. Each soldier's wings are surgically removed at the covets, and replaced with a set of fusion powered thrust vectoring jump-packs. An extremely potent armcannon system is then surgically grafted onto their preferred arm. Averaging six to twelve meters in length, with extreme cases of individuals reaching eighteen meters, Y'drek'yllians are massive, imposing creatures with a propensity for violence and a knack for destruction. Notable weak points include a lack of armor on the back portion of the arms and legs, and a violent reaction to cold temperatures. It is advised that extreme caution be taken when confronting these aggressive creatures.
Name: Zebesian Phasmoid Describe: The Zebesian Phasmoid originated from the planet Zeebes. It has the ability to climb, swim, and run at high speeds and can also attack from any of it's native terranes that include rocky surfaces, stagnant pools, or desolate caverns. It is known to be able to withstand extremely high temperatures such as in the lower Norfair region. It is a cold blooded creature and has a hard time dealing with extreme frigid temperatures, thus it's inherent weakness: Ice or cold terrains, also Samus' freeze ray. The attack pattern of the Zebesian Phasmoid includes mostly melee attack with claws on it's hands and feet but it is also known to emit a sticky, poisonous secretion from it's tail rendering it's victim motionless. The Zebesian Phasmoid is highly territorial and during the construction of the Mother Brain's Zebesian base it gave the space pirates considerable trouble, often attacking them arbitrarily whenever a space pirate happened to stumble too close to one's roost. Samus is fortunate to have never encountered these dangerous creatures. The current population of Zebisian Phasmoids is undetermined at this time, but a significant number were terminated by the Mother Brain's initial arrival to the planet.
And here are all the entries!
There was a turnout of almost 50 entries this year! Thanks, guys!
Xatnys: The Xatnys is a large, reptilian beast able to grow to 15 feet and weigh about 5 tons. This creature has large spikes protruding from its sides, top, nose, and tail. Each spike can range from 7 inches to about 5 feet. Its planet of origin is Zebes, where it can most commonly be found on the surface of the planet. It is an offshoot from another Zebesian species of reptile, the Kraid. From a combat perspective, the only exposed areas of the xatnys are on its back, however they are protected by its large spikes and can only be hurt by explosive weapons, such as missiles or bombs. The xatnys's most common attack pattern is to charge at the foe with the razor sharp spikes on its nose, but can also use its tail to hit enemies. Unlike the Kraid, it has been largely ignored by the space pirates because of its lack of intelligence, and has therefore been left alone. Its colors vary depending on where the creature is located. For example, if one were living in a forest it would be a greenish hue so that it could blend in, it could be brown if it lived in a desert, and so on for different environments. It uses this trait while sleeping to hide from other predators.
Rohcor [row*car] This shy, forest dwelling herbivore is relatively harmless, though, when frightened, attacked or emotionally stressed, it will become rampant. The spines on its back are not used for stabbing. They secrete a flammable fluid from the top and it runs down, coating the spines. Again, if startled, it will scrape the spines together to cause a spark, resulting with the spines catching fire. It will run around spewing the flaming liquid about in hopes to set its attacker on fire. Its blade-like feet are used for defense, as well as chopping down large plants. If it manages to kill the threat, it will leave it for other animals to eat. Its legs and spines are brittle, so it is usually sitting, eating what it has recently gathered for food. It has three eyes which give it excellent depth perception. It lives originally on SR388, but was approved by the GF to import them to a few other planets.
Craczians * Origin: Craczians started out as organisms no more than the size of atoms that lived on a meteor. This meteor one day landed on the lifeless planet Nicrodia. The planet’s atmosphere being larger than the meteor’s, gave the atom sized Craczians the newfound ability to become larger forms, thus creating the current Craczian race. * Society: The Craczians, like the Space Pirates function like an insect colony, though unlike the Pirates the will only serve one that is of their own flesh and blood. The Craczians have their society broken down into sections depending on their environment to allow their species the best chance of survival. They see money as superfluous to their society and if the allowed it the society would break down from greed and corruption. They also, care deeply about every other member of the colony, and take the death of one of their own very seriously. * Biology: The best way for me to describe a Craczian is a giant walking cell based organism. Their bodies are basically shells with a nucleus inside that fills the entire shell head to toe. They are capable of movement with or without the shell, but are extremely vulnerable without it. The DNA of them sums them up as being part atom, cell, plant, reptile, amphibious, and unknown genes. Craczians are autosomes so they only use their jaws for communication. * Association: Enemies to the Galactic Federation and Space Pirates alike. They look for new world to populate since a world that was dead until they got there can only last them so long. * Abilities: All Craczians past the normal crawler stage can self-generate energy and use it to create solid materials such as weapons ships, shields, rooms, etc. All Craczians have remarkable healing power that is triggered instantly through sleep. * Weaknesses: Any beam (with the exception of ice) though plasma is recommended. They will attempt to either dodge or deflect missiles but are not affected much by them. Bios * Young life: The young life of a Craczian is spent in underground cave and tunnels. All of the Craczians in these Stages are extremely vulnerable. * Egg: The simplest form of Craczian life that is no larger than a baseball. Rarely seen by outsiders, they are hidden in secret caches underground. The eggs will mutate if they are expose to foreign DNA or metal. * Larvae: Formed from the eggs is the earliest stage of conscious Craczian life. They are looked after by more mature Craczians in caves. When threatened they create vibrations that become a screech like sound to call for help so it can get away. * Plated larvae: In this stage the start to grow armored plates and are now able to tunnel underground. They will still screech but now they will also jump at and constrict their foes (only attacks if in morph ball form). * Mature larvae: What results after the plated larvae sheds its armor. They grow jaws which allow them to successfully communicate to any species through vibrations of fangs. They start to grow tentacles on its spine and will attempt to stab a foe with them while constricting them. It will cry for help only if necessary. As a last result to eliminate a threat it will charge at them and explode.(note this is the point when they are allowed to be on their own) * Plant form: Some Craczian larvae after they hatch are only able to transform into a plant. These plants are honored greatly by every member of the species. The plants helped expand the atmosphere even more and keep outsiders off the planet by creating a gas that only Craczians are able to breath. * Cocoon stage: At one point in a Craczians life they will go to a cave looked after by the “Meta Stage” Craczians and form a cocoon. The type of cocoon depends on the personality and physical characteristics of the Craczian. * Midlife: When a Craczian emerges from its cocoon it has a completely different physical appearance and emotion. They now have limbs and quickly learn how to use them. They are now more dangerous and do now expect to stop their maturity now. They are usually found in caves. * Crawler: These are Craczians that will grow up into the main Craczian brood. They have grown arms and will slash at their opponents if they get to close. Their mandibles have more teeth thus, giving them the ability to speak more languages. They usually hang from the ceiling by their tails waiting for foes, but also will crawl on walls or the ground. They usually attack when the see the best opportunity (busy with other foes) thus showing a calculating nature. Their main attack is to jump at their opponent pin them with their arms, then stab and thrash with their tail. They will also attempt to tail whip at midrange. * Brawling Crawler: Instead of arms these breed of Caczians have grown legs and will use them to ram at opponents or kick. These Caczians though not as intelligent as to normal Crawler makes up for this with their strength and durability. The intelligence it does have is common sense and battle instinct. They are now very aggressive and will attack a foe on sight. * Adulthood: After an uncertain period of time a crawler/brawling crawler will molt its shell and become fully grown after a few days. The adult stages are assigned to do many tasks throughout the society such as: caring for the younger ones, training young adults, medical help if the healing ability fails, and act as soldiers. * Mature Craczian: Though not the final form it can take this marks the adulthood of a Craczian that took the normal Crawler stage. They now stand ten feet tall and can easily push aside opponents much larger than them. They work very well in groups and care only for the safety and protection of the species not their own. Their intelligence after a certain period of time can rival many computers. They also now have the ability of observation (they can literally see then do what they see) along with the ability to self-generate energy allowing it to create a weapon. Attacks include firing energy blasts, tail swipes, and grappling while stabbing with its tentacle like barbs. * Craczian Brawler: When a brawling crawler becomes this it retains its intelligence, but gains incredible strength and durability. These Craczians are used only as juggernauts in invasions and are constantly watched when in society because of their extremely aggressive nature. They attack by slashing with razor sharp claws and grappling then shredding with its tail. Unlike the other adult stages they cannot generate weapons. * After stages: Stages a “mature craczian” can take if they have the right genetic qualities. * Meta-Stage: After a certain period of time a Craczian with certain genetics will grow extremely durable, yet very flexible plated armor. They are now calmer than any other Craczian and will only attack if attacked first or if other brood members are harmed. A select few meta-stages are selected to be honor guards for the lord. Honor guards will protect the lord and do suicide ranked missions and are highly honored. They usually look after the cocoons or are just loners at times. They are literally walking weapon caches since they can turn almost any part of their body into a weapon and then will that part to regenerate almost instantly. They attack by throwing their hands like shuriken, using the spines on their back as swords or staff, hit with their tail, and use their hands as buzz saws. (Note: they can regenerate any part of their body except the torso and head) * Craczian lord: The most important and emotional of all Craczians. The Craczian lord is responsible for managing the entire species through command and by releasing the spores that become the next generation of Craczian (note: craczians are genderless and do not need a mate for the spores). Craczian lords are very calculating and rival the intelligence of the aurora units and mother brain. In the society they only allow one lord per planet with the home world’s lord being the voice of all reason. If there are two lords that originate from the some planet hey challenge each other for dominance and the loser is cast out to find a potential world to spread the society. Even though they are protected by the honor guard they are potentially even more dangerous than the guard itself. They have the same durability as a mature craczian but, have gained remarkable healing abilities, reflexes, strength, speed, and flexibility. In battle if heavily wounded they will call other members of the society for help and will use the distraction to regenerate health (note: they can regenerate from almost anything as long as their nuclei are intact). Attacks include energy blasts that will freeze to the point it burns just like fire, energy concussion blasts, extend its tentacle like barbs to deflect missiles, tail swipes, ram in a way similar to screw attack, and slashing. * Craczian Omega: This is what happens if a Craczian with the potential to become a lord or is a lord experiences the emotion of pure hatred, which is very uncommon for Craczian. A normal one will become two or three stories tall and will perish after words. A Craczian lord will become a size rivaling Kraid and will survive and can revert back to its original form. This is a rarely seen form because they will only focus on the thing their made at and nothing else. Attacks include devastating blasts, constricting or throwing the opponent with its tentacles, attempts to smash the foe with arms, legs, or tail, and shred its opponents to pieces with its mouth (bombs needed to escape).
name: rush dragon creature is a member of the same family as serris and botwoon but has evolved to the point of crude flight abilitys. subject is capable of firing heated blasts of plasma from its mouth (much like the zebisian dragon A.K.A ridely) and attacking at ultra high speeds but only if enough energy has been stored in the head plate. these creatures are capable of flight but prefer to spend more time on the ground. claws enable it to scale 90-degree angles easily. the creaturse are predaters and very territorial. females are the larger varitey (as shown in diagram) while males are much smaller.
This a Grozzorin. It has a an armor plated back and a armored tail with a razor sharp blade made out of a biometal. Its teeth can cut through almost anything except for specific metals. Its claws can shred bone and tissue. This was a bioengineered creature that was created by the United States to develop a bioweapon. It lives on the planet Sroppin34 and it mainly is seen in volcanic areas. It lives in volcanic areas because the lava warms it. It has reptilian scales that are heat resistant. This is a highly dangerous predator. It loves fresh meat and it often goes to hunt even if it doesn't need food. However, the main way it hunts is with ambushes. It hides in wait for pray near water holes and they it pounces. Its razor sharp teeth and claws shred the vital organs within seconds. Then, it feasts. Extreme caution should be taken when Grozzorins are in mating season. They will attack anything near their mates.
Okadont (o-KAY-daunt) are a draconian insect-like native to Zebes. They move extremely quickly, and their very fragile wings flap so fast that it may even be hard to tell they are flapping them. Their vision is omnidirectional, and they can smell with their feet. They usually don't stop flying until they find another Okadont to breed with. Okadonts used to be prosperous on Zebes during the Chozo's original habitation. Okadonts sometimes served as Chozo pets. However, when Space Pirates invaded, a lot of their natural habitats were wiped out. Due to the sparse population of Okadonts on Zebes, this is not likely to happen often. They sometimes hold any type of sphere they find, because that is how they warm their eggs to hatch, and fly with it trying to find a nest (again, difficult due to their low numbers). Okadonts sometimes carry Energy Capsules and Missle Ammo. If Samus can manage to shoot them with an Ice Beam as they are flying quickly by (only once, another time will kill them), and then curls up in a Morph Ball in their arms, they can get the item. If they allow it to thaw, the Okadont may take Samus to distant areas by flight, and may drop them off in a nest of sleeping Okadonts. While asleep Okadonts may grab nearby spherical objects (thinking they are eggs). This may happen to Samus. In order to break free, just drop a bomb, and roll out. Dropping a bomb while wake them up and make them fly away. Dropping more than one bomb causes them to die. They might fly somewhere also inaccessible before dropping you off at yet another nest. Repeating this process might get you far out to places.
This enemy is the feared Drancracnia from the planet of Vankarnia0.34 an it is a lava creature that is very dangerous when it comes to surprise attacks and lives in ground reagons of the lava, it drains lava around itself and tryes to stun the enemy by biting it. the pattern goes like this: bites against the legs/body then it backs to charge against the enemy then it either fleas if it fails or if it succeed then it repeat the pattern.
The icewyrm is a glacial predator of the Phendrana Drifts of Tallon IV. It lurks in deep snow, luring prey close with it's sparkling tail, waiting to grab it's prey with it's icy's jaws. It's three eyes don't see too well, instead it relies on vibrations and temperature changes to detect it's prey. Once it's grabbed it's prey, it releases a chilling toxin that freezes it's victim. Escape from it's jaws by setting a Morph Ball bomb. If an icewyrm is upset (from bombing it's mouth or shooting it's tail) it will rise out of the snow and slither around. It attacks by rearing up and spitting out the chilling toxin to freeze it's foe solid, which it follows up with a brutal ramming attack. Only weapons such as Missiles and the Plasma Beam can penetrate it's durable shell, which has a similar composition to a Crystallite's shell. However, it's mouth is curiously weak to the Ice Beam, which will freeze it from the inside out if shot into it's mouth while spitting it's chilling toxin. Fairly powerful, icewyrms are mid-boss type enemies. The icewyrms are natural enemies of the Sheegoth, and they will quarrel violently if they encounter each other. They prefer to stay in their own territories however, so such encounters are rare. The first picture is a rearing Icewyrm, ready to attack. Second is a close-up frontal view of an Icewyrm. Cute little critter. Third is a sketch of a scene of Samus about to encounter an Icewyrm, she has it's tail targetted, but she's directly above it's mouth, note it's teeth popping out of the ground by her feet.
Morphology: Two-Headed Squiggle Foot Large reptile with two heads and squiggly feet. The Two-Headed Squiggle Foot lives in tropical climates. One head has a hankering for meat while the other eats only soy-based products due to its lactose intolerance. It has a very tough scaly hide and weak ankles. Considered extremely dangerous, approach with caution especially if you are packing steak and/or tofu. Samus' Notes: Becomes completely immobile when frozen.
The Nulizian Crawler\Spawn The Nulizian Crawler is a creature that is native to the planet[name of new planet]. It is a large insectoid\reptilian creature with an abdomen that spits acid, large forearms, compound eyes, and leathery bat wings. Variations: the Nulizian Crawler starts as a small larvae, and then matures into a larger body, and develops a shell, wings, and support legs in its abdomen. nulizian spawn are roughly the size of zoomers or shriekbats. the nulizian spawn can maintain flight for around 30 seconds before having to land and rest, in this weekend state they are more vulnerable to all weapons, normally they are only defeated with a missile blast. when the Nulizian has fully matured, it will become a Nulizian Crawler, here its tail falls off revealing the acid\poison spitter and the full strength of its forearms and grabber arms(the arms near the mouth used for swiping and grabbing small objects to bring to the mouth for food). ATTACKS The Nulizian Spawn can lunge, dive bomb, run into you , and lash its tail at you. The Nulizian Crawler can spit acid, fly at you, grab you in morphball with its grabber arms and bite you repeatedly, dive bomb you, swipe you with its forearms or abdomen at you, hit you with its sub-tails (the longer, more plant like tentacles sprouting from the sides of the abdomen), or land on you, all of which are highly dangerous and can take a way up to thirty 50 energy each, which is why this creature can be considered a mini boss, or an extremely hard enemy, much like a Kyratian. WEAKNESSES \ WAYS TO DEFEAT. The Main way to kill a Nulizian Crawler is to attack the abdomen then, when it falls off, target the area that it was in and hit it with a super missile, the shell will crumble,since that is the area that holds the shell intact. With the Nulizian reduced to its slug like form it will be vulnerable to anything, so just pummel away and let it die. ENCOUNTERS The first time you encounter a Nulizian is in a magma filled cavern, similar to Norfair, in this case it is a swarm of Nulizian Spawn that emerge from a vent and crawl along the floor until they reach you, and then once you have picked off enough they all take flight and fly out the entrance to the cave, and thats when you hear a loud shriek, the cry of the "Crawler (after this, there are several more encounters with spawn just like geemers). Shortly after that you enter a huge cavern with lava pouring out of the walls into small pools. that is where you meet the first Nulizian Crawler(see storyboards for what happens) then once you have defeated it a door opens up. The next encounter is in the rainy forest area. You are running through the forest when you see a tree branch fall, you then investigate the scene and are attacked by two Nulizian Crawlers, who work together to kill you unfortunately. Next you find a Crawler in a small corridor of the lava area(which happens to be inside the volcano in the background of territory #2) where you have to fight it before the magma reaches you (it is rising very slowly, but its a long fight). several more encounters go on like this throughout the game. LOGBOOK ENTRY Spawn: This Small pest is a native to the planet[name] and is the second stage of the Nulizian family, the hard shell is its main defense, beneath it is a smaller slug like body. On some planets the Nulizian Spawns wings are considered a delicacy, and some have evan attempted breeding them, but due to their vicious nature this is not recommended. Crawler: A natural enemy of most creatures, this vicious predator is known for its large mandibles and acidic spit, which it emits from the end of its abdomen. it is advised to keep clear of its dangerous forearms, which can cause serious damage. its large compound eyes, if shot at, can stun the enemy for a short amount of time, which can be used to attack other parts of its body.
Baranka When Samus is Dispatched to the Quarantined Planet Trinity Alpha to track down a Rogue Hunter, She finds more than she bargained for... The Baranka, nicknamed the S-Tank Bug, is theorized to be a life form that evolved on a different world. It is similar to Baranka specimens found on ST-321 a world only 4 light years from Trinity Alpha. How it arrived on Trinity Alpha is a mystery but the two are so similar it cannot be a coincidence. However it arrived here, the team Xeno-Biologist theorizes that, like a few of the other known species we have encountered, it was assimilated by the planet as it formed a symbiotic relationship. It now acts as just one layer of the living planet's anti-bodies defending the outer "skin" by attaching to rocks with its prehensile "toes" and using its naturally evolved missile launchers to knock incoming threats from the sky where the other layers can eliminate what is left. The missiles appear to be some kind of seed pod and seem to have a similar launching mechanism to plants that disperse seeds in that manner. Since these do not occur naturally on the ST-321 species it must have been forcibly evolved by the planet as well as its red coloring to blend into the surface. The missile launchers remain closed until fired. They rise up from the back and lower when discharged. It has only been observed firing one at a time in sequence and has never been observed discharging all "tubes" at once. They are not limited to aerial defense as our G-Fed Marine escort discovered. The "deaths head" markings are not dissimilar to the moths on earth and are meaningless but it does make them look fearsome and do a good job camouflaging the true eyes just beneath the markings. The species on ST-321 is herbivorous but we have yet to witness the Baranka here consume anything or any of the other species for that matter. We can only conclude that they somehow draw sustenance directly from the planet itself through the symbiosis. Unfortunately, their armor is too thick to be penetrated by most arms we have short of the Escort Vessel's main particle cannon. If you can dislodge the "toes" on the two pairs of forelegs from their purchase, the recoil from the missile launcher will raise them up and expose their soft underbelly. Our experimental gravity cannon has been successful in lifting them from the ground as well but its effects are often too short to get anything but a lucky shot in. Increasing the power may help. They also recover fairly quickly and regain their purchase rapidly. Luckily they tend not to move very much allowing us to find cover easily but that is not to say they will not move.
Grizard A reptilian creature typically living in cooler or temperate climates. They are territorial creatures, dominating their domain. They grow to an average of 6ft - 7ft in length, weighing up to 200 pounds. Their scaling is unique. Over most of their body the scales are short and rounded, almost pearled, but the scales on their back grow long and sharp. When they curl up defensively, the scales splay out like spikes. Their bite can be fatal and they have been known to run up to 20mph for long stretches when chasing a prey. The females are usually greenish in color. They attack if provoked, but are built more for defense. When threatened, the female grizard curls up, spreading the scales on its back and releasing a toxin from under them which effectively "freezes" its attacker long enough for the grizard to escape. The males, usually bluish in color, lack this defensive enzime, but their attack is all the more aggressive, taking a more offensive stance when threatened. Female grizards can lay up to a dozen eggs in one nest and tend to make three or four nests in a single mating season. When they hatch, infant grizards are exceedingly aggressive and hungry. They swarm onto any living thing in the immediate vicinity right out of the egg. To ensure a full meal for their offspring, grizards make their nests near populated areas such as watering holes or the homes of other animals. The grizard is virtually invulnerable to most weaponry, however a concussive blast may damage it, its underbelly is very vulnerable, and it is highly susceptible to extreme heat.
Creature Name: Phanthorus Location: SR388 Descritpion: The Phanthorus is mammal that thrives in environments where flora and small fauna are abundant. It is known to inhabit SR388, where a few specimen were extracted and kept in the TRO sector of the Biologic Space Labs (BSL) for further studies (before it was destroyed after the X-Parasite debacle). Though an opportunistic omnivore, the Phanthorus generally targets smaller creatures for sustenance. However, it has been known on occasion to take on larger beings, particularly when startled. The Phanthorus is plagued by poor vision, and therefore sudden movements elicit bellicose reactions. When a Phanthorus does strike, it does so by propelling its body forward its powerful hind limbs. Such lurches can be rapid, but few in succession. If in close enough proximity and agitated enough, the Phanthorus will attempt to gouge its victim with its tusks (normally rooting implements). Due to its anatomical awkwardness, the Phanthorus can only lunge or shuffle, and is not an adept runner. Outpacing it is feasible, though it's recommended to maneuver slowly around it to avoid inciting it.
Sheerblaze This is an enemy that would live in the frozen wastes of Bryyo's Ice-Side or in Sector 5 (ARC) of the BSL Research Station. It is an extremely cold blooded enemy clad in ice and is frozen because of two gases produced inside two different gas chambers inside its body which are below 0 degrees farenheit when separate but they can be expelled through tubes its arms and while only one gas being spewed out results in freezing, if they mix, they combust and set flames everywhere! It always fires the second gas from the one side while standing with its side towards its prey/enemy that way, when the gases ignite, only one side will slightly melt, taking away any protective spikes on only that one side and also making its body exactly one half jagged and one half smooth. The melted ice may seem like a bad side effect but the melted side can still be useful. Due to the fact that its lost its spikes it is much smoother and slippery so it can easily escape. Another side effect is that the ice that melts runs down the creature's side until it refreezes down near the "foot" and so it can easily stomp on its foe with a heavy, dense blow. Its other foot is slightly fragile and can only be used to support the body at most. Its arms are very elastic but only one of them can reach far distances because it has multiple segments while the other arm's segments have been melted so it only has one area where the flesh is exposed and can therefore stretch. The more jagged side can slice the foe by using any shard on that half of its body and its arm is used as a weapon to impale other objects along with slicing them. The other side is smoother but isn't defenceless. It has shards of ice where the melted ice has refrozen creating smooth yet sharp points on the end of its other arm. These are very effective for defending itself at close range but are not so powerful. The ice surrounding its body reflects all attacks such as beams, missles and physical attacks but is weak to a plasma-wave beam combo and both morphball bombs and power bombs. It moves sluggish but would be about the threat of a sub-boss. Its only other weakness besides those listed above is the opening in its ice shell/armor slightly below its eyes where its body is slightly open for attacks but this spot is small and hard to hit. The red part is the actual flesh of its body while the rest is ice and while the inner body is nearly amorphous it is still very resilient. It can blend into its surroundings eventhough the red from its body is amost always showing and it can be swift to strike if positioned right. It can also create a fog around the area by expelling one of its gases but it can take a while to produce more. If it uses this technique it can't use its other gas to spark the fire or it could even incinerate itself. It must wait for the other gas to both dissipate and be reproduced before it can use its fire technique. Its main attack is the long-ranged gas attacks that freeze and set fire to objects. Surprisingly, it has excellent eyesight but can locate other objects by sensing the vibrations they make.
Name: Coleoptric Location: Planet- Aerosin Description: The Coleoptric is a predator who uses the methane in its body to float throughout the Bambaza Desert. They have mandibles on each side of their bodies, which they use to rip and tear into their prey. Barbs stick out of the Coleoptric's under belly to balance it while it flies as its brainstem, resembling a tail, acts as a rudder. 98% of the Coleoptric's body is armored with titanium like shelling. The other 2% consists of the very exposed tentacles that slither out of the Coleoptric's face, which it uses to feel around for objects, with its eyes on the side of its body to remain alert. A shiny blue liquid protrudes from this creature's mouth and pores, rendering all of its prey inactive for around 6 or so minutes, plenty of time for Coleoptric to eat what it needs, quickly moving on to the next probable victim.
Description of Kioujo Kioujo is a lizard creature called a Mara. Mara's are thick skinned, scaly, and have red color with black dots. Mara's are native to a exo-earth planet called Niio, but they do have colonies around the galaxy. Niio's climate is warm, and it's habitat's are desert, swamp, and tropical beaches. It's beaches are considered very beautiful. Kioujo was born and raised on Colony 3, a planet colony occupied by Mara's. Colony 3 is a volcanically active planet were the Maras made a town & research center to study geothermal energy (which is also how they got power). Kioujo's parents owned a fast food restaurant for residents and visitors. When he was 14 space pirates attacked their colony for knowledge on their geothermal energy. He managed to survive and escape as well as a few others, but his parents were not so lucky. Kioujo went to Niio to find his Aunt, but instead found an alien who convinced him the galactic federation destroyed their colony. Using the money in his parents savings account he designed a suit of black & red armor with a big rapid firing gun, pistol, & sword. He then vows revenge on GF.
Log-book entry: Species: Brynari (Nicknamed Mini-Mantis) Home-world: Ornelo III Habitat: Jungles, Deserts (adaptable in given location) Average measurements: Height: 1,2 meters; Length: 2,20 meters (From Head to tail-tip) Brynari' are omnivorous, reptile-like creatures which only attack when neceassary. Although equipped with sharp, scythe -like talons they prefer to avoid any direct conflict with beings which are not edible or a too great effort and risk to hunt down. Furthermore they only attack when in need of proteins. Brynari' are very social creatures and usually encounterd in groups of at least three. If attacking a greater life-form, one Brynari tries to keep the attention of it so his team-mates might attack from the rear, where they back-stab the adversary. Often they walk sidewards with quick movement and jump forwards with an attack of their claws. They are also skilled in climbing and try to attack from any given location- even the ceiling. If the battle is not going too well they sometimes retreat. It is reported that the death of fallen companions where mourned by the remnants. Long living creatures, they are able to regenerate lost limbs, eyes and claws to fully extend. The horn-like attachments at their heads send out pheromones which play an important role in mating. Their skin has almost lost every scale and is rather soft. Galactic Federation scientists agree that Brynari' eventually develop in evolution. A primitive form of language and an anatomic change in the skeletton have been confirmed, which may result in erected walking.
created by Nebulon Name: Grapple Ranger Affiliation: Mechanical/Cybernetic Space Pirate A special unit designed by the space pirates to use dual grapple beam units as its primary weapons. The special grapple system is similar to Samus' except for an added function called "Grapple Flail". This new function is designed with the "Grapple Lasso" as a base, but functions to attach to a target for a longer time, allowing the user to swing the latched object as a melee weapon. This function can be even more lethal if the swing of the weaoin is combined with a swing from a grapple point, due to added velocity. Due to their potential manuverability, the Space Pirates use these units as scouts and for recon missions. Despite the appearance of the unit's armor, it is not very strong. What it lacks in durability, it makes up for in potential speed and agility. Suggested use of homing-type weapons, such as Wave Beam or Missiles.
1st scan Chilopoda Cylusus The Cylus Centipede is native to a number of planets. A distant relative of the Zoomer, Cylus has the ability to project its pointed "feet" at any predator. Studies of this massive creature have shown that it contains acid-filled sacs, from which it can spit corrosive venom. This discovery has caused scientists to wonder if it is also related to the Parasite. The Cylus Centipede used to be quite common; however, poachers have taken an interest in the increasingly hard carapace of this animal. The Space Pirates have also been hunting these centipedes for their acidic venom, which is used in acid grenades and as an ingredient in the rations of defiant Space Pirates. While the Cylus possesses one main eye, it relies more on the sensory organs attached to the top of its head. These "antennae" are coated in ocular tissue and are highly articulate, allowing for 360 degrees of sight. These organs are very sensitive to light and can easily be blinded if exposed to a bright flash of light, making the centipede revert back to its main eye, which has no depth perception. Cylus also contains retractable spines along its back, which it unsheathes when rolled up, allowing it to travel across any terrain, such as walls. . The Cylus Centipede lives in a warm, lava-filled climate, similar to Norfair or Magmoor, to stay active. It sustains itself on lava-dwelling animals and geothermal energy. After it has absorbed enough energy, it will migrate to a cool, jungle climate, where it will cocoon for a short period of time, maturing into its next stage. Because of its cocooning stage, it is thought to also be related to the Chyyka; scientists are currently trying to figure out if Cylus might be a missing link, a common ancestor to the multitude of species in the system. 2nd scan Drakonis Cylusus Drakonis Cylusus is the final stage in its evolutionary cycle. Nicknamed the Cylus Dragon, this creature is vastly different from its previous stage. Sporting a giant pair of wings and a hollow internal skeleton, the Cylus Dragon can now fly for long periods of time. Cylus has also evolved a set of gills and tail fins, allowing it to swim indefinitely. While Cylus has lost the acid sacs from its previous form, its salivary glands now produce a more potent version, able to start digesting prey on contact. Scans show that the versatile ocular organs have been replaced by a rigid, shelled fin for seeing when it is submerged. While the muscles in its wings are incredibly strong, the membranes of the wings are extremely thin. To compensate for this weakness, cell regeneration in this region is nearly triple that of the rest of the creature. It will dive underwater to regenerate its wings when they are damaged enough. The Cylus Dragon also possesses the ability to change colour. When aggressive, it will change to warm colours, specifically red and orange. When in hiding, it will change to mimic the landscape.
Fat-boy (Manago tunge eage) Morphology: An herbivore with seasonal cannibalistic tendencies, this rather peaceful creature (with occasional outbursts of aggressiveness) dwells in the open plains of KOJ-19's fourth moon. Due to the distance of the planet from its star, the satellite is blanketed in sempiternal and near pitch black darkness, forcing the creators to include complicated echo-location and thermo receptor organs into the native wildlife. Its coloration is a result of the absence of sun and its lack of reason to hide. Even though this species lives far from the nearest sun, its home is not a cold frigid world thanks to the moon's core being extremely large and of intense heat. This results in the moon's crust to be very warm, and the usual temperature being around 75 degrees by mid-day. The "Fat-boy" has a curious way of consuming its food: it absorbs the nutrients of the vegetation it encounters with small, sucker like organs at the bottom of their legs. An alternative method of food consumption is used when they consume each other during mating season: inside their sucker-like mouths await many razor tipped tongues used to pierce the rival's nine-inch thick hide and inject special enzymes that only liquefy the opponent's hearts. The sole surviving member of the herd is then able to freely reproduce in a hermaphrodite manner. When breeding, it takes up to four months for the infants to mature in the "Fat-boy's" skull. When ready to give birth, the "Fat-boy" will ram its skull against a boulder until a crack big enough for the infants to squeeze out is developed. The infants must hurry to squeeze thru the crack as the wound heals completely in an hour. The infants that were not able to make it out of the skull in time are then crushed as the skull returns to its pre-pregnancy shape and used by the adult's body as nourishment. A "Fat-boy" is able to give birth to as many as 90 offspring. After giving birth, the adult surveys the newborns, attentively listening to each baby"s hearts and tenderly separates with its tongues the healthy from the defective. Afterwards, the 'Fat-boy' proceeds to dig a deep hole and drops all of the sickly and deformed newborns into it, after which it then proceeds to bury them alive. Although usually a tranquil herbivore, it will attack if it senses a hostile life-form. Its immense weight, almost 993 lbs. of fat, coupled with the ability to run to almost 199 k.p.h. make it a dangerous foe when charging. After ramming the hostile into submission it will try to pierce it with its tongues which are able to pierce solid steel. If it successful in penetrating its adversary's body, it will proceed to inject an incredibly potent enzymes that will leave the hostile life-form with all its internal organs in a liquefied state.
Enemy name- Menogorath Planet- Tallon IV (the side of the planet Metroid Prime didn't take place on) Bio- Water creature. Carnivorous. The Menogorath spends most of its time hidden in its shell, unseen among the rocks. It uses this disguise to both stay away from its predators and catch its prey. Because the Menogorath's large shell slows it down dramatically, it will release a cloud of paralyzing gas when startled, giving it more time to flee. The Menogorath will also release the gas when it senses prey nearby, ensuring capture. Samus's notes- The Menogorath is invulnerable when inside its shell. The only way to damage it is to alarm it into emerging by simply firing at it, but be careful of the gas. Also, the creature will freeze when shot with ice missiles, giving safe passage around it.
Description: Volulus, highly intelligent insect-like creature. The Volulus live on a remote planet near the Dasha system, in an extremely advanced but isolated civilization. They are brightly colored as an evolutionary trait; early in the evolutionary cycle the colors were used to scare off predators. The Volulus tend to fuse their weapon systems to their bodies, allowing them to be prepared at any moment for an attack. Their warlike nature has eventually lead them to attack anything on sight. At far ranges it uses its hyper-sonic pulse cannon to cause severe damage to armor systems. At close range it uses it's energy scythe to slice through its targets. The Volulus are susceptible to heat based and explosive attacks. The wings are very fragile, exploit this weakness to knock them out of the sky. Once on the ground it is very slow, and will draw energy from electrical devices to allow it to regenerate its exoskeleton and wings. It is extremely vulnerable during this time, and will have no way to defend from attack.
We the space pirates have found a hostile enemy attacking our base camps on the planet nightmare. We have comprehended this menance and will procced to do test on this new life. This thing seems to have abilities beyond our own. It can proccess it's wave brain patterns and turn them into deadly attacks. One being of which it can affect it's prays mind. Our teams that come back from this creature has paranoia and claim to see two copys of this creature. The tail sign of this attack is the creature's eyes will glow red and release a ear peircing howl, which is powerfull enough to puncture the highest barrier screen's. As well as samus aran's accursed visors. It can also take the kinetic brain wave patterns and turn it into static electricity releasing waves at a time. The skin of the creature is very rough and is able to discharge keeping it's body safe while it's prey get's blasted full force. Do not be fooled by it's apperence it can walk on four's and two's and is very fast often using it's wings for current to quickly glide behind it's prey allowing it to hit you with it's hands, feet or tail with sheer amount of force. Often time's we would go to find the team when they didnt come back from research to find there decapitated body's all over. This creature also has a barb on it's tail end which can release acidic liquid. And lastly it can create a substance out of it's mouth that instantly solidifies allowing the creature to make and shape whatever it choses. Often it will circle around you making tall pillirs trapping you. It will either do close combat or clim up to the peack and release it's acidic liquid. The only way to escape is to shoot at the pillirs quick enough causing stress points allowing you to make holes to escape from. We have dubed this creature stalker and have reinforced it's wings with metal forged by phazon, and hard wired a electrick strip to it's brain with black conductive strips making it's electrical output current immensly high. This may be our new weapon and saving grace to finally get rid of the accursed bounty hunter samus aran. You will be awarded for bringing these in for conversion. It's habits are very harsh, only relies on instict. It often scavanges the planet eating liquid from the internal ground to gather and collect it's coding to alter and create it's own unique abilities that we could never create ourselves. Plante nightmare After a week on the base incampet we had received word of a new mysterious substance from the mining crew team. This substance had a side affect where if exposed to a creature it was able to latch onto the creature and dwelve through it's skin and into it's mind. This would influence and force our men to do things they didnt want to do without relizing it. We tried to utilize it but we were tricked for it could also form into diffrent shapes and supply it's own energy cause the substance had it's own set of brain wave encoded patterns. We ran test and found a way to communicating with it giving us complete control over the substance. This substance was alive. We planned to use it as a tool to gather data from our enemies disguising it appropiatly with it's forming ability. We plan to replicate this substance and distribuite it galaxy wide so that we could gather data about or enemies, so the next time we attacked we would be able to stop anyones abilities from usage rendering them sitting ducks for the kill.
Story A profitable subterranean mining operation on planet SC 185 was recently taken over by space pirates interested in the rare minerals found there. Samus was hired to re-capture the facility and rescue technicians kept alive to run the the complex machinery. Planet SC 185 Planet SC 185 is a rocky planet with about 70% Earth surface gravity and orbiting at about 0.9 AU. Continuous acid rain storms have rendered the surface of the planet uninhabitable. The acid leaching through the ground, however, has resulted in the formation of various rare minerals as well as a complex underground ecosystem based on fixing chemicals rather than sunlight. Most caverns are lit by bio-luminescent plant life that uses the lights to attract pollinators, but due to the flow of nutrients or local rock conditions some caverns lack these organisms and thus are pitch black. The local equivalent of vertebrates evolved based on a 6-limbed body plan rather than the 4-limbed plan found on most planets. Lantern Flit Short Description: A flying insectivore that lives in unlit caverns. It uses its light-producing organs to attract flying invertebrates. When in view their high thermal signature renders the terrain invisible to the thermal visor. Destroy them to restore visibility. Pit Angler Short Description: A large ambush predator that lives in unlit caverns. It uses its front claws and large teeth to attack anything that gets close to lantern flits. The lure on its tail closely resembles a lantern flit to both normal and thermal visors. The rest of its body is invisible to the thermal visor when stationary. Picture captions: pit_angler.png: The pit angler. The color and texture of the body and limbs evolved to match the native rock, while the tail is black since it is normally held in the air. The four versions of its head show, from right to left, a front view, the mouth partially open, the mouth closed (resting position), and the mouth fully opened to strike. The four versions of the front limb demonstrate the striking motion of the claws, with time progressing as you move down. Note the motion keeps the claws moving mostly in a straight line, meaning almost all the energy of the strike is directed forward for impaling prey. The lure at the end of the tail is shown in more detail in the lantern flit picture. Samus is in the background for scale. lantern_flit_and_lure.png: The lantern flit is the top picture. The two glowing red structures near the mouth are not eyes, they are light-producing organs. Note the single claw near the end of the front limbs, that is where the hand is located. The hand is located in a similar place on the middle limb, although it lacks a claw. The bottom picture is a close-up view of the pit angler's lure at the same scale as the lantern flit. Note the two light-producing organs. The lighter areas are thin areas of the normally thick skin, allowing additional heat to escape there. Samus's arm is shown for scale. visible_thermal.png: This is what you actually see in the dark caverns. The left half is what you see with the normal visor, while the right half is with the thermal visor. The lantern flit is at the top while the pit angler's lure is at the bottom. As you can see, the areas of thin skin in the lure correspond to hot spots in the eyes, mouth, and vital organs of the lantern flit. At this close range with the lights stationary, the difference between the lantern flit and pit angler lure are obvious. However, at a distance, in a large group, with all of them moving around erratically, the lure is much more convincing. The pit angler does not need to perfectly match the lantern flit, it just needs to be good enough to lure prey close. The thermal visor lacks the resolution to distinguish the two at all at a range of more than 3 meters, which is just outside of striking range for the pit angler.
The Kreyesk is a parasitic organism first discovered in the jungles of the outer-rim planet of Kifua by the Space Pirates. They originally thought the Kreyesk were a type of ornamental armor left over by an ancient civilization, and began to wear them as such. Their use was reserved for the most highly-decorated warriors, the Elites. It was not long before all communication with the Space Pirate outpost on Kifua was lost. This was due to the Kreyesk taking control over the nervous systems of those wearing them. The Kreyesk serve only to perpetuate their species. This is done by either tricking local wildlife into wearing it, or forcing itself onto unsuspecting victims. It then secures itself onto its victim with its four fangs and begins to inject tiny nerve tendrils into it. These nerve tendrils give control of the victim's every movement to the Kreyesk while it hollows out a hole in the victim to lay its eggs. This process allows for all creatures with an attached Kreyesk to be up to 5 times stronger and faster than normal, depending on the stage of infection. The more time has passed, the stronger they become. After approximately 2 weeks of attachment, the Kreyesk lays its eyes in its host and releases volatile chemicals that makes it violently explode. This explosion is meant to spread the eggs out as far as possible. The Kreyesk can usually be killed by destroying the eye, which will leave a weakened host. Though, Kreyesk that are at a later stage of infestation can only be killed by destroying the host body, as most of the Kreyesk's brain and other internal organs have transfered into the host's body for added protection. Though rare, there have reports of several Kreyesk attaching to one large organism. This tends to create hosts that act almost schizophrenic in nature due to the conflicting inputs from each parasite.
Phang This carnivorous pack-hunter of Phazon Mines walks on its bare knuckles in order to keep its claws razor-sharp. Acutely tuned eyes reflect all available light from the cave in the direction it views. While it has a short digestive system in its small torso, it is able to expand its stomach to contain nearly any prey item found in its habitat.
Hey fans, it's that time again!
The Metroid Database proudly announces the Design-An-Enemy Contest! Put simply, we would like to see you, the fans, design a new enemy of the Metroid series for us!
Why, you ask? We believe the Metroid fan community to be among the most creative gamers we've seen, as exemplified by last year's Make-A-Metroid contest. We want to see what sort of new species of creature could fit seamlessly into the Metroid universe. Our requirements won't be quite so stringent as forcing you to create a physical 3D sculpture. We want to see some creative thinking!
The creators of the three best enemy designs will win a variety of prizes:

First Place:
- Metroid Other M (Sealed)
- Metroid Other M Gamestop Poster (Dimensions: 33"x47")
- Metroid Metal/Expansion Pack combo album autographed by the whole band
Second Place:
- 2000 Wii/DSi Points Card
- Metroid Other M Gamestop Poster (Dimensions: 33"x47")
- Metroid Metal/Expansion Pack combo album autographed by the whole band
Third Place:
- Metroid Prime Trilogy Baseball Cap
- Metroid Metal/Expansion Pack combo album autographed by the whole band

Official Rules:
- Design an enemy that would fit into the Metroid universe.
- Use any static, 2D visual medium to depict your enemy (i.e. a drawing of it). Pixel-based sprites and renders of fully-textured, 3D models are also acceptable.
- The enemy has to be 100% ORIGINAL. You cannot do altered versions of pre-existing creatures in the Metroid games.
- Metroids and any iterations/offshoots thereof (i.e. Hopper Metroids, Hunter Metroids, Phazon Metroids, etc.) are NOT ALLOWED.
- Name and describe the enemy in your own words - for example, tell us about its habitat, what planet it lives on, attack patterns, and so on. The more descriptive you are the better. (A Prime-style Logbook Entry is nice, but please don't write a fan fiction on it!)
- Entries need to be received no later than 12:00 midnight PST on Friday, December 3rd, 2010.
Again, we're looking for imagination here! While we love to see beautifully crafted sculptures of new enemies, you only need to create a 2D representation. But a beautiful 2D image won't be enough to impress us without a creative and convincing description of the creature's behaviors!
Email your entries to:
Entries will be judged by the MDb Staff.
Announcement date for winners is Monday, December 6, 2010.
Contest is for US residents only.* (International shipping costs are too high!)
We will be posting ALL the entries on this page when the contest is over, regardless of quality.
Good luck and HAVE FUN!
For Questions, Comments, and Concerns, please refer to the General Contest Thread on our forum.
Feel free to utilize the art galleries throughout our site for inspiration on creating new enemies:
Metroid II
Super Metroid
Metroid Fusion
Metroid Zero Mission
Metroid Other M & Gallery Mode: [pg2] [pg4] [pg6] [pg7]
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2
Metroid Prime 3
*To International Readers: Though only US Residents are eligible for prizes, we would be more than happy to publish any of your entries on the site.