10.16.2004 - TJ

Eight years?! Eight years I've been running a Metroid site? Wow. Who'da thunk it?

I know I missed #7 last year, but this year I kinda feel like staying concise. With the impending release of Prime 2 and Prime Hunters, we're up to 8 Metroid games. Which, on the average, shakes out to one per year of the MDb's life, although we know darn well that five of those eight came in the last two years. After six years of "where's Samus?", suddenly there was Prime and Fusion, then a little over a year went by and there was Zero Mission, and now here comes MP2 and MPH...it's almost a case of "be careful what you wish for," because now here I am scrambling to get sections going for more new games!

Anyways, as I said, I'm gonna keep it basic for this one...as always, big thanks go out to my partners in crime, CapCom and Asaic, as well as all the regular and occasional contributors who have donated their efforts to the MDb; thanks to Nintendo for bringing Samus back with a vengeance and keeping her around, and Retro Studios for helping to make it happen; thanks to GameSpy and Classicgaming.com for keeping the MDb around; and huge thanks, of course, to all the visitors who have enjoyed and learned from the Metroid Database.

That's all -- cheers!

MDb Webmonster

