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Shigesato Itoi's Hobonichi Shimbun has published all six parts of his interview with the director of Miitomo, Yoshio Sakamoto. Whether you're a long-time adopter or stopped using Miitomo a long time ago, it is surprising to learn that the creator of Metroid is also the creator of Miitomo (which in itself is an extension of Tomodachi Collection).
We also know the idea for Miis originated way back on the NES, but it's fascinating to hear that the Mii creation software as we know it originated with one of Sakamoto's Game Boy Color era projects, Otona no Onna no Uranai Techo (Women's Fortune Telling Pocket Notebook). Part of the project was to allow users to create avatars that looked like themselves. Although the game was ultimately never completed, when Sakamoto showed the face creation software to Satoru Iwata, Nintendo's president immediately saw its relation to one of Shigeru Miyamoto's projects. Iwata showed it to Miyamoto, and the team eventually went on to create Mii Maker. Pretty cool stuff!
There are many interesting bits of information in this interview. Hopefully we'll soon hear if Sakamoto's team is working on anything connected with Metroid...
Until next time...
Captain Commando