11.15.2004 - TJ

Happy Metroid Day! ...Actually, depending on when your favorite game shop receives your copy of MP2, Metroid Day could be today, tomorrow or Wednesday. Anyway, today there's some new nav icons going up top. Please excuse the mess for a little while.

If you're wondering about the order of the icons, I decided to put the Metroid 1-4 games together in order of release date, which is why MZM is after MF. Then I put the Prime games together, since there are three of them now, and the Prime series is kind of taking on a life of its own. Finally, I stacked two smaller Smash Bros. icons, since they're not specifically Metroid games and their sections on the MDb are smaller anyway. Hope it all makes sense. Anyway, it's pretty packed up there now; if Nintendo decides to announce Metroid 5 or Prime 3 or Smash 3 or Metroid RPG or Samus Dating Sim or Mother Brain Beach Volleyball or something, I'm gonna have to redo the whole shootin' match AGAIN.

Front pages for MP2 and MPH are also now online; we're all ready for Prime 2. Unfortunately, I won't be getting my copy until the morning of the 16th, so no new header graphic up there until at least late Tuesday night or Wednesday morning.

