RIP Classicgaming.com (1996-2014)
08.02.2014 - CapCom

Our old host, Classicgaming.com, has finally gone the way of the dodo. Classicgaming was a hotbed of news and articles on oldschool gaming starting back when the idea was brand new - like the Metroid Database, the site was established in 1996. You might remember in 2008 that IGN purchased Gamespy, which owned Classicgaming.com. They soon shut down all the hosted sites, forcing them to jump ship - the Metroid Database, Castlevania Dungeon, and Contra Headquarters were some of the sites that transferred over to Kontek.net. Technically, Classicgaming has been dead since about 2011 - no new major updates have been made since then. Now IGN decided it was time to pull the plug. Once again, history goes through the virtual shredder as IGN tries to meet the bottom line. Today, all that is left is the archive on the Wayback Machine. RIP Classicgaming.

Until next time...
Captain Commando
