Strategy Guide Donations

The MDb needs your help! The internet has a distinct lack of scans of all the Metroid strategy guides. If you own one or several and are interested in donating it to us for the purposes of archiving them on the Metroid Database, please contact infinitysend0[at]gmail[dot]com with the subject "Guide Donation." Be aware of the term "donate" as the guides will be completely taken apart and not sent back to their original owner. Donors will be credited, though! We can also compensate shipping costs within the US. Thank you!

We are interested in the following guides:

  • Metroid Fusion Official Nintendo Player's Guide
  • Metroid Prime Official Nintendo Player's Guide
  • Metroid Prime 3 Corruption: Prima Officially Licensed Game Guide
  • Metroid Prime Trilogy: Prima Officially Licensed Game Guide
  • Metroid Other M: Prima Officially Licensed Game Guide
Update: One guide left! Thanks to those who have offered to donate.

--Infinity's End
