More Anatomy of Super Metroid and 7 Reasons Super Metroid was an SNES Masterpiece

Jeremy Parish loves Super Metroid...seriously. He has self-admittedly written more words on the game than he should be allowed, but we don't mind. If you remember back in December, we brought you the first 4 writeups of Parish's "Anatomy of a Game" covering Super Metroid. Well, he's since been quite busy. The next 9 parts covering the topic can be seen all right here:

Parish isn't done though - he's also written yet another awesome love letter to the game through USGamer. In it, he meticulously crafts 7 extremely powerful points why the game has stood the test of time over the last 20 years, and has been one of the most influential titles in the eyes of both AAA and indie developers today. Read it here.

--Infinity's End
