MDb news since 1996.
It's been about a year since the last chapter of Samus & Joey was added. A LOT of stuff has happened in my personal life since then, making working on manga translation pretty low on the list of priorities, which is partly reason for the long delay. In addition, I had to work with the typesetter closely for an overhaul of his work, and he had a lot of things going on as well. However, you should be happy to note that the scanner, Sharonlover from the MDb forums, has let me know he's got the rest of the chapters scanned (they just need cleaning), and I've got good drafts of the rest of the chapters, too - so ideally, we should be getting new chapters up on a more or less regular basis!
Anyway, in this chapter, Joey finally finds a friend - a robot! (Makes sense, right?) He helps Joey bring scrap parts back to Diesel's shop for recycling (who's exterior looks a hell of a lot like Dr. Doppler's lab...). However, not all is what it seems with this new 'Bioroid'... Check out the latest chapter, or start from the beginning!
Until next time...
Captain Commando