MDb news since 1996.
In case you haven't already heard elsewhere, this past Friday, Nintendo announced that they would be shutting down their legacy servers that deal specifically with Wii channels and the transfer of Wii data online. This includes WiiConnect 24, which is what you use to send messages to your friends, as well as trading Friend Vouchers with each other.
The full announcement can be read here. Nintendo will also be doing the same throughout the rest of the world.
The Metroid Database has always been a central hub for trading Friend Vouchers amongst the Metroid community since the games were released. We hope we have been successful in making up for Nintendo's complete lack of support for these services. If you still want to trade with each other legitimately, you will have until June 28th of this year.
- Metroid Prime Trilogy Friend Vouchers Trading Thread
- Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Friend Vouchers Trading Thread
--Infinity's End