Happy Valentine's Day

Nintendo showed us a little love today, as they released their latest edition of Nintendo Direct. The show focuses on Luigi, with Iwata calling 2013 the "Year of Luigi." They are releasing 2 Luigi-centric games: Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, Mario & Luigi Dream Team, and also announced Mario Golf for 3DS (which contains Luigi). Other games that are mentioned are Fire Emblem: Awakening DLC, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Style Savvy, Lego City Undercover, Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge DLC, HarmoKnight, Kersploosh!, Mario & Donkey Kong Minis on the Move, and much much more! Also of note is they are porting Retro's platforming masterpiece, Donkey Kong Country Returns to the 3DS. You will be able to download a 3D video of it today for free via the eShop. Watch it all here:

We also have a bunch of Metroid-themed Valentine's Day cards for you to share with your family and friends. We at the Metroid Database hope you all can share some Metroid love with your loved ones. Or if you don't have anyone else to love, send one to yourself! These have been compiled from all over the internet and are all (c) of their respective owners.

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--Infinity's End
