Harmony of a Hunter 101% Run Released!
11.17.2012 - CapCom
Harmony of a Hunter 101% Run

The highly-anticipated Harmony of a Hunter 101% Run album is finally out! Celebrating the 10th anniversary of Metroid Prime, the album contains three discs completely packed with high-quality arranges from every single Metroid game - that's over three hours of music, all absolutely free! The polish of the material is incredibly higher compared with last year's Harmony of a Hunter, with professional-grade arranges by the likes of Chris Apple, Theophany, and Sam Dillard. In fact, the album is so good that I would just as soon call it the 202% Run. To sit down and try to take it on all at once is overwhelming - you will want to have this in your playlist for days to fully appreciate it in its entirety (I've listened to it four times already and am still finding new things!). So what are you waiting for? Get it already! You can check out my review while you are waiting for the download to finish.

Until next time...
Captain Commando
