MDb news since 1996.
Yes, this is just an update because I feel bad about not updating.
As pretty much everybody knows by now (no thanks to that lazy jerk over at the MDb -- oh wait, that's me), Metroid Zero Mission is now slated to be released in early 2004. In a September 24 teleconference, NOA Senior VP of Marketing George Harrison stated that MZM, along with Mario Golf, would hit shelves "shortly after the New Year." However, no actual hard street date has been announced yet, so this is only kinda-sorta news, I'd say.
And for those of you who still haven't gotten around to picking up Prime, your wait has paid off: Nintendo recently dropped the MSRP of the game to $29.99. Of course, you totally missed out on almost a year's worth of playing the game in order to save 20 bucks, ya cheap bastard.