31 Days of Zero Suit Samus Kickstarter Project
06.01.2012 - CapCom

Last year, we reported on Chris Furniss's 31 Days of Zero Suit Samus, where Chris drew an original picture of Zero Suit Samus engaged in all sorts of summer activities. They're some of the cutest and most clever fanart out there, and received a lot of attention. Chris has been selling prints of this work for awhile, and had mentioned way back last September he was planning on compiling the whole thing into a book. Now almost a year later, the project is back, this time appearing on Kickstarter project!

Chris has created a sample of the book, but needs $20k in order to print them. If you're unfamiliar with how Kickstarter works, you pledge any amount of money, and if the project gets funded (the funding goal is met), then you pay that amount. This money goes towards the realization of the project.

Depending on how much money you pledge, you can get all kinds of cool goodies, such as buttons and a sticker for as low as $8 and a hardback copy of the book starting at $35. The most exclusive levels (handpainted Metroid NES cartridge, Game Boy, and NES console) have already been filled up, but there are still a few of the exclusive levels left. Note the hardbacked dust jacket version of the book will only be available through the Kickstarter project, so if you're eager for a copy, you'd best put your pledge in before the deadline! (June 20)

View all the original 31 Days of Zero Suit Samus watercolors here to see more of what you'll be getting (or just to look - they're very cool).

Until next time...
Captain Commando
