Samus & Joey Chapter 8
03.10.2012 - CapCom
Samus & Joey Chapter 8

Samus & Joey has been translated up to Chapter 8! But does it end here??? Obviously not! Remember, we're only halfway through Volume 2, and there's plenty more where that came from! There's an excellent cameo in this chapter to tie it with the Official Manga, as well as some rather surprising character development for Joey. In fact, cheekier fans might wonder whether this more character development for Joey in one chapter than for Samus in all of Metroid: Other M! Jabs aside, Samus's statements about getting scared in battle certainly take on additional meaning post-Other M, particularly when you ask yourself where you want to stick this non-canon story into the timeline. Samus is a little hard on herself to take the blame for the deaths of her parents, but the fact she admits to her fears in battle - and how she overcomes those fears - does give an interesting take on the inner workings of the Galaxy's greatest space warrior, especially considering this was written in 2003.

Until next time...
Captain Commando
