MDb news since 1996.
MASSIVE music update! The entire Super Metroid music section has received a complete overhaul, with brand new, high-quality versions of every song in the game, and quite a few albums, to boot! At the front of the section is a brand new recording of the music, made directly from the game's audio files. Actually, if you have been listening to an older version of the .spc set, there were a few errors I noticed and requested Nensondubois of to fix them. He did much more than that, even discovering an unused jingle that has never been heard before! The excellent album art is once again courtesy of Infinity's End, with permission to use that fantastic rendition of the Ceres Space Colony lab by Modusproductions.
The section also includes the complete Super Metroid: Sound in Action album (in both FLAC and MP3), as well as Reserve Tank and the original OCR remix album, Relics of the Chozo. Note the official Relics of the Chozo site has the soundtrack in only WAV and OGG format. Since Apple refuses to support those, and WAV files are impractical, we've converted the entire thing over to MP3 and FLAC for your listening pleasure. It's well-worth giving the album a second listen after all these years. Lastly, you'll find a couple high-quality recordings of Super Metroid in concert, including a FLAC version of the famous arrangement from Game Music Concert 4 by the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra. Just remember to Play It Loud.
UPDATE: Looks like the 'unused track' from Super is actually the Etecoons jingle, though without the SFX covering it!
Until next time...
Captain Commando