MDb News Archives
MDb news since 1996.
11.14.2002 - TJ
The Metroid Prime/Metroid Fusion Official Strategy Guide by Prima is on sale now. The guidebooks from Versus and Brady could show up anytime between now and the 18th.As for the games themselves, I've gotten a number of emails and messages questioning the release date as many retailers are expecting Prime and Fusion in on the 19th or even later. This is how it works, to the best of my knowledge, as explained to me by my buddy who manages a major chain location in my city:
The official release date is definitely November 18, but whether or not you can find the games on that date will depend entirely on where you live and what retailers are near you. It is true that the games don't actually ship until the 18th. Major game chains such as Electronics Boutique and Gamestop, especially those in major cities, should be able to get it on the 18th (quite probably later in the day, as the games should be shipped early in the morning). Shops in smaller cities (including EB's, GS's, and other chains) may not be able to get their shipments until the 19th, and other shops and mom-and-pop game stores may not see it until a little later. It all depends on how your local retailers' distribution channels are set up. Your best bet is to just check with your favorite shop to see what their schedule is. So if you hit the store at 10 am on Monday morning and Prime and Fusion aren't there yet, don't freak out. They're on the way.