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From the Nintendo/3DS Conference that was held these last few days, Nintendo released a new Kid Icarus: Uprising trailer for everyone's enjoyment. The trailer focuses on one of the new antagonists of the game, a character known as "Black Pit." The game will also be prepackaged with AR cards that allow you to play a card battle game outside of the normal game.
For Metroid fans, as we have seen in the previously released screenshot, the Kometo ("lil' Metroid") returns once again. Now when you encounter them, they latch on to Pit's head and suck away his life, just like you would expect from a floating, life-sucking, jellyfish creature! Check out the vid below. The footage happens at the 0:54 mark.
As you might be able to tell, the gameplay seems very reminiscent of the unique and exhilarating Sin and Punishment titles by Treasure, which seems perfectly suited for the 3DS. Could this be the "must have" title we've been waiting for?
Thanks to Shinesparkers for the original tip, and NintenDaanNC for uploading the vid!
--Infinity's End