Metroid II and Super Mario Land 2 coming to 3DS VC

According to the Official Nintendo of Europe website, Metroid II: Return of Samus, along with Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins will be arriving to the 3DS eShop Channel by the end of the year. We all knew this was coming eventually, we just didn't know when. So now anyone that has yet to experience playing Metroid II on a portable and owns a 3DS can by the end of the year! We will update you on the exact date when we get word, but we think it would surely make sense to release it in November, which coincides with the 20th anniversary of its US launch.

Also of note is the "new configuration Wii" being released (currently for the UK ONLY), which is a redesign of the Wii, and is designed so you have to place the discs in horizontally instead of vertically. It also no longer features backward-compatibility with Gamecube software. (Guess all you Smash Bros. fans can't use your Wavebirds to play Brawl anymore on this console!)

new Wii

--Infinity's End
