MDb news since 1996.
THIS JUST IN. Nintendo of America has officially announced through their Twitter feed Metroid's 25th Anniversary. To celebrate, they will be offering (the already-announced) Metroid Fusion through the Nintendo eShop to all 3DS Ambassadors:
It's Metroid's 25th anniversary! Nintendo #3DS Ambassadors, connect to the Nintendo eShop by 11:59 pm ET on 8/11 to get Metroid Fusion.
To make this news more exciting, Cheap Ass Gamer announced on the 4th that WalMart was going to do a price drop on the 3DS to $169 beginning today, August 9. I did not hear about it until only a few hours and had to verify it was true, but you can actually go to WalMart right now and pick up a 3DS for $169! If you recall, Nintendo announced an Ambassador program where people who purchase their system simply connect to the eShop channel prior to August 12th will be enrolled to receive 20 free games, including Metroid Fusion. Once you do that, you will receive a news item in the eShop menu stating you are an Ambassador! Remember that you can also link your 3DS account to your Club Nintendo account. Linking your eShop account with your Club Nintendo account will also net you 40 coins through the limited-time offer, and Nintendo says registering your Ambassador games will net you 20 coins apiece, which is good to keep in mind if you're saving up for Club Nintendo goodies. If you don't mind giving your money to the Man and want to pick up your 3DS for $169, call up your local WalMart and make sure they have them in stock! They're literally flying off the shelves in some places, so let your fingers do the walking.
Until next time...
Captain Commando