MDb news since 1996.
Slow news right now on the Metroid front leading up to the 25th Anniversary, but a few things to note.
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet dropped today, so those wanting to get your Metroidvania fix on, this is the place to do it. Here's the official trailer for the game:
You can purchase ITSP on XBLA for a mere 1200 points!
On the fanart front, digital artist studio Modus Productions has made a stunning recreation of the Super Metroid title screen. This image is way too large to post in its entirety, so go to his DeviantArt Page to see the full thing. For a taste of what to expect, I've done a little cropping so you can get a sample of the quality:
One can only wonder the copious amounts of awesome that would come about if something like this actually existed... Guess we'll just have to "settle" with ITSP in the meantime, which pushes out its graphics at an incredibly crisp 1080p. Also keep in mind that 90+% of this game is HAND-ANIMATED... Flash or other vector scaling techniques need not apply.
--Infinity's End