Retro Studios Helping Make Mario Kart 3DS
06.08.2011 - CapCom

If you remember back in March, Retro Studios mentioned they were working on something 'everyone wants them to make'. Well, if one of those things you wanted them to make was Mario Kart, then you got what you wanted! Retro Studios is assisting Nintendo with the development of course track designs in Mario Kart 3DS, and you can bet they will pay special attention to the Donkey Kong Country-inspired levels.

Mario Kart 3DS Retro Studios

However, Retro Studios is not the main developer on Mario Kart 3DS, so you can bet they are running their skunk works at full steam to come out with the next great thing. Whatever that may be seems to be anyone's guess at this point...

Until next time...
Captain Commando
