Metroid Cameo for Kid Icarus: Uprising!
06.08.2011 - CapCom

Anyone who is familiar with the history of Kid Icarus should have expected this one coming: the Komayto, those Metroid cameo jellyfish monsters "from a planet other than Earth" that terrorized Pit in the NES original have returned in full 3D glory in Kid Icarus: Uprising! It's great to see that retro love. Hopefully, the gameplay has also improved since we last played it in March at GDC, but I will say I wasn't impressed by the voice acting in the trailer, though the 3v3 multiplayer is certainly an unexpected addition.


One other interesting feature is that KI: Uprising will also feature unlockable game cards, one of which will undoubtedly be the Komayto!

UPDATE: It has come to my attention that the proper name for these is 'Kometo', which is a Japanese abbreviation for 'little Metroid', though the US instruction manual calls them 'Komayto'.

Until next time...
Captain Commando
