Nintendo Announces Wii U and 3DS eShop/VC Channel.

At today's Nintendo's E3 Press Conference in Los Angeles, CA, Nintendo revealed the name of their next-generation console, the "Wii U." Like the Wii before it, the Wii U's main feature will be its controller, a device very similar to a tablet. The controller will feature a 6.2" LCD screen, camera, microphone, motion controls, and the ability to wirelessly transfer data back and forth. One of the new games announced for the console is Super Smash Bros. 4, and that a version will be on the 3DS as well. The Wii U will be released sometime next year, most likely around the holiday season.

The other piece of news is that Nintendo made available a new update for the 3DS, which makes the Nintendo eShop and web browser available. This basically gives the 3DS the DSi functionality it so desperately needed, but was delayed until now. The Virtual Console also has original GameBoy games available, and Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening has been made available. No word yet on when Metroid II: Return of Samus will be available, but only time will tell. For a limited time (until July 7th), you can also download 3D Excitebike, completely free of charge, as a part of their new "3D Classics" series, which take old NES games and makes them playable in 3D. No doubt a 3D version NES Metroid is on the horizon, but I guess we'll just have to wait and find out.

For all the details and more, head on over to Nintendo's E3 Press Coverage website.

--Infinity's End
