Metroid Super ZeroMission Review

Happy Monday, everyone! Today I bring you my review of Metroid Super ZeroMission, which I brought to you a couple weeks ago. It is an extremely excellent hack of Super Metroid, and possibly one of the best(if not THE best). Yes, this is very unconventional for us, as we don't usually review hacks, but I feel this one is special enough that it deserves a review. I'm also trying to attract more attention to it. Anyone who passes this game up will be doing an extreme disservice to themselves. Hopefully my review will change your minds on that one, so give it a read. Oh, and spoilers have been marked.

Since the hack is fairly new, a lot of it is currently undocumented. If do you decide to give the game a try, there are plenty of people (myself included) who are more than willing to help you when you get stuck on our official forum thread. Expect us to host maps and walkthroughs as well!

--Infinity's End
