Fan Art by Samolo

First off, I'd just like to extend a hearty thank you to all the other video game websites out there who covered our exclusive release of Minitroid. Thanks to them, Minitroid has taken off like a Space Hunter escaping from a self-destructing planet.

In other news, game blog site Coffee With Games has posted up a detailed breakdown of the Other M's reported playtime, according to the Nintendo Channel viewable on the Wii. In it, we find that among the 65,000+ owners who have reported their game time, 1,010,936 Total Hours of playtime have been recorded. The average playthrough is 15hr. 32min. and the average play session is 2hr. 15min. It has taken a total of 31 weeks for Other M to reach 1 mil recorded hours, however I'm sure that the number was reached a lot sooner if you consider all those that aren't recording their hours. Maybe if we all start reporting our gameplay hours, those numbers will jump even more?

Lastly, I wanted to point you in the direction of vector artist Samolo, who has recreated all of the stages of Metroid from Metroid II: Return of Samus.

fanart by samolo
fanart by samolo fanart by samolo fanart by samolo fanart by samolo fanart by samolo

Also, check out his Metroid Gallery for his other related creature drawings, including Space Pirates, Mother Brain, Kraid, and Ridley! Keep up the fantastic work, Samolo!

--Infinity's End
