02.28.2002 - TJ

Nintendo updated their Metroid Prime section today with several new screenshots. Some of these screens have been floating around on other sites, but Nintendo's are, of course, superior quality. View Nintendo's entire gallery of Metroid Prime screenshots here. I'd put some on the MDb but I'm not a thief; besides, I'm too far into the MDb overhaul to do any major updating. :P

This would also be a good time to quickly mention something: Please DO NOT e-mail the MDb or post on the MDb Message Board asking the following questions:<

&nbsp; &nbsp; - When is Metroid Prime/Metroid IV coming out?
&nbsp; &nbsp; - What is the plot of Metroid Prime/Metroid IV?
&nbsp; &nbsp; - Why doesn't the MDb have more news on Metroid Prime/Metroid IV?

See, the reason the answers to these questions are not on the Metroid Database is because this information is not available yet. If I knew the release date, the plot, or anything else about either of the new Metroid games, of course it would be here on the MDb, right where you're reading this. Sure, some sites are reporting Fall 2002 as the release date for Metroid Prime, but unless I hear that from Nintendo, I'll refrain from posting it, even though it's entirely possible. Even though this is a fan site, the MDb prides itself on only reporting truths, and keeping the rumors and speculation to an absolute minimum. I'd rather get it right the first time than have a lot of statements to retract later!

