MDb news since 1996.
A new addition has been made to the site! The MDb Reviews Page is where you can find a compilation of all the reviews we have made for the site in one, easy-to-use location. It is organized by game, by chronological release date. This page has actually been finished for quite a while but it was unfortunately forgotten due to all of us being busy with the holiday season. (d'oh!) Please enjoy it!
In other news, fellow remixer Tenchux (pronounced "ten-chucks") has finally released his Super Metroid Remastered album to the public. You can listen to 21 fantastically remixed tracks, each gaining great inspiration from Samus's adventure on Zebes in the 1994 classic. Tenchux also hopes to earn $1000 in Child's Play donations, so if you really enjoy the music and want to help to a worthy cause, send a few bucks to him!
Last, we may have a special end-of-the-year treat for you guys in the form of Jesse D playing through Metroid II: Return of Samus on our Livestream channel! Stay tuned to the front page for dates and times, but it's very possible it's going to be on this upcoming Sunday, 12/19/2010! Look forward to it!
--Infinity's End