MDb news since 1996.
As usual, official Metroid news has slowed down to a crawl, however that doesn't keep the fans from showing off how much they love the series. This is a breakdown of a few major happenings that have gone on lately.
The biggest news is the new Tallon Overworld track by Metroid Metal, which is nothing short of brilliant. Listen to it with headphones on to appreciate all the beautiful layers in this piece. Also, similar to when their last track was released, fellow fanartist FoxDragon has accompanied this piece with his own depiction of the area in a huge, 6000x1690 piece of digital art, which can be seen on the above linked page. Definitely check both out.
If you haven't checked over to the fairly-new Shinesparkers, they have been quite busy with interviewing many Metroid-related people. Their newest interview is of Mike Sneath, a Senior Artist for the original Metroid Prime. They have also interviewed Grant Henry of Metroid Metal, the voice actor for Admiral Dane, the former #1 Super Metroid speedrunner, and Gene Kohler, another Retro Studios artist. There is a lot of great information to be gained from reading these interviews that any Metroid fan will enjoy.
Last, the first net-famous Samus cosplayer, Jenni Kallberg, aka pixelninja, has created a brand new Samus costume. It's clear this was built with a much larger budget, as it now features glowing lights and plenty of curves in all the right places. The costume seems to be inspired by the version from MP3 Corruption. See the pictures below for the full scoop! Awesome job, Jenni! We can't wait to see what you come up with next.
--Infinity's End