MDb news since 1996.
Whenever anniversaries roll around, I always find myself asking, "Has it REALLY been that long?" When I first started working on the MDb, I was still in college and barely out of high school. Heck, I was living in a different state! Now I have an MFA, have made a few videogames, and get to teach about them. Of course, all this new work makes it hard to keep up with news and site updates, but like Ryan and Jesse, I still manage!
This year, we've had some major events. I got to meet Yoshio Sakamoto at GDC, played his new Metroid game, and the MDb has received press recognition from Nintendo. The site also found its way back to page one of Google where it belongs! We still have great contributions from fans of the site, and I admit it's still a ways off, but we have more surprises in store for you over the next few months that I'm really excited about bringing to you!
While Metroid Other M has come and gone, been loved by some groups and hated by others, we're looking forward to another great year at the MDb. While it may be awhile before we see Samus' next adventure, rest assured we will continue to bring you top-notch content and media from the Metroid series.
Ryan, thank you for your hard work on the podcasts, contests, and visual design; Jesse, thank you for being such a bulldog about keeping site code up to standards! And thank you again to our fans! We're really looking forward to Year 15!
Until next time...
Captain Commando