Samus Aran's Newest Mission: Saving Flood Victims
10.06.2010 - CapCom

What's this, a Zelda fanpage hosting a Metroid marathon? AND it's for charity? Now we're intrigued! Norwegian Metroid fan Falcool of Zelda Eternity is hosting a Metroid marathon, beginning this Friday, October 8 at 6 PM EST (midnight in Norway). All proceeds will go to Action Against Hunter (part of AFC International) for direct aid to the over five million flood victims in Pakistan. The marathon will last for 18-36 hours, depending on donations and viewers and will begin with a playthrough of Metroid: Other M, followed by a Wi-Fi match of Super Smash Bros. Brawl (in which fans hope to battle the third-best Brawl player in Norway). Should the initial $400 donation goal be reached, the marathon will be extended to include Metroid Prime 2: Echoes multiplayer mode, Metroid: Other M The Movie, a 100% speedrun of Other M, Metroid Prime boss battles, and play-throughs of Metroid Fusion and Super Metroid depending on donation levels. If you are interested in helping out with donations, or just want to check out some Metroid gameplay and chat with Metroid fans from around the world, check out Zelda Eternity this Friday!

Until next time...
Captain Commando
