Nintendo World Store Launch Event is No Launch Event
08.31.2010 - CapCom

As all the world's Metroid fans head to their local game stores to unwrap the latest in the series, you would think there would be no hopping place to be other than the Nintendo World Store in NYC. Yet leave it to Nintendo to have absolutely nothing awesome going on there for the release of Metroid: Other M, super-hyped on TV ads and websites, but with a presence all but absent from Nintendo's only official store in the United States, located in Rockefeller Center. Whereas the store was all decked out for Muramasa: The Demon Blade (a third-party title, albeit one that sports GORGEOUS animations), Nintendo's 'other' star franchise received next to zero fanfare, with not a hint of pomp and circumstance, and certainly no swag (as reports the MDb's own - now-disappointed - Samuel Ward). Interestingly, the store has had a big display of all the Metroid games for play and a giant poster of Samus from all the games (as well as a display of the First4Figures Samus starship), even though many of the games are no longer reasonably available for purchase new. C'mon, Nintendo! Do you REALLY want people to resell Metroid Prime Trilogy for $70 on Amazon? Or $90 for a new copy of Other M's sequel, Metroid Fusion?

Until next time...
Captain Commando
