05.20.2001 - TJ

E3 could very well have been called "S3" for Metroid fans -- the amazing Nintendo area showed us that Samus Aran will be returning in no less than THREE new games for the two upcoming new Nintendo systems: Metroid IV for the Game Boy Advance and Metroid Prime and Super Smash Brothers Melee for the Gamecube. Sure, the info leaked a few days early, but finally it came straight from Nintendo to the rabid Metroid-loving public.

Unfortunately, footage of Metroid Prime was not so easy to come by for the average E3 attendee, but Metroid IV was shown on video and SSBM was playable. How does the future look for Metroid fans? Your MDb webmonster TJ was at the show and I will give you my own opinions, without having looked at any other news sites' E3 coverage first. Read through my thoughts and check out a few photos I took myself. As far as I'm concerned, the seven-year wait may very well be worth it.
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