Metroid Live Action Commercial Leaked Early - Gone Now
08.17.2010 - CapCom

If you were one of the lucky few on GameTrailers last night at around 7:00 PM, you may have caught a leaked commercial for Metroid: Other M. At first we thought it was a hoax, but because so many people have reported seeing it, it seems legit. bigdude1 over at the GameTrailers forums managed to snag a screen cap and shared it with everyone. The trailer showed Samus' life from the attack on K-2L (pictured below) to the end of Super Metroid.

Official Nintendo Magazine Sept 2010 (UK)

The commercial is not - I repeat NOT - on GameTrailers anymore, nor was it stuck on YouTube, so there's absolutely no point in clicking a dozen movies to try and see it. Not unless you want to see that godawful Skittles commercial a million times. I swear, after seeing that just once, I'm never going to eat Skittles again... The commercial will be all over the place in a couple weeks.

If you want to watch something fairly useful, you can head over to the Nintendo Channel on your Wii. They've got the Action trailer and the Metroid and Me trailers. The video quality is pretty bad - MUCH better on your computer - but this is probably the closest you'll get to Metroid on your Wii for two weeks. The next episode of Nintendo Week will supposedly be about Metroid: Other M, but it hasn't aired yet...

Until next time...
Captain Commando
