MDb news since 1996.
It seems Samus Aran has found her place in the blogosphere! Samus' blog is called Lonely on Zebes, and it looks like she is going to tell us something about her personal life, but entries include other things such as the Battle of Phaaze and the rising cost of fuel.
Ok, Lonely on Zebes is actually being written by me as a fun project to relive the Metroid games placed immediately before Other M in anticipation of the game's launch, but I hope you'll enjoy it nonetheless. It will also serve as a kind of gameplay blog for Other M after the game launches. Feel free to discuss it in the forums. The blog's banner is from this beautiful painting by killj0i on Deviantart.
![Sunrise by killj0i](Sunrise_by_killj0i.jpg)
Until next time...
Captain Commando