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A couple days ago, Nintendo of Canada offered people living around Vancouver a chance to play Metroid: Other M. I didn't hear about it until recently, but this has lead to even more gameplay feedback - along with additional impressions from the press coverage in Redmond earlier this week. Joystiq offers a very favorable (and detailed) impression which gives a no-holds barred overview of the controls, getting down to some of the nitty-gritty, as well as some criticism of the script. Definitely good reporting here. Arstechnica takes a less flattering approach, wondering why this is even a Metroid game (seriously, guys?). Finally, we have impressions from the NeoGAF forums from the Canada event that some of our more intrepid members have discovered (sorry, no backlink). However, we're a bit unimpressed with the lack of updates to the US Metroid site. How come the Dutch homepage has been updated more recently than the US site!? What's up, Nintendo? We've got the same old look we've had since May! :-/
I'll end this with a gorgeous render of Zero Suit Samus looking out into space (thanks again to Satch for the discovery!). And *ahem* what's up with those boots?
UPDATE (08-07-10): Canadian news group The Examiner has posted a very extensive article on the Metroid: Other M demo, along with photos from the event. In it, the reviewer gives a detailed description of what we've already seen before, as well as plenty of cutscene griping. (At least he didn't complain about the voice acting... And for the record, based on the demo, it looks like there will probably be about 12 minutes or so of cutscenes with about 10 more minutes of gameplay. Bear in mind the game has over an hour of cutscenes, so there won't be too many dense sections like this). What was also surprising was the Reo attack in the intro is unavoidable - suggesting there will be a few more scripted sequences like it. (Anyway, he leaves with a very positive feeling of the game, which is all we really care about: "I liked it. Quite a bit, actually."
Until next time...
Captain Commando