Metroid: Samus & Joey Chapter 3 FINALLY Finished
08.01.2010 - CapCom

I've added a translation for Metroid: Samus & Joey Chapter 3. We've kind of left Samus and Joey's exciting (>.<) adventures by the wayside for awhile due to busy schedules between myself and the typesetter, CCHHUNTER (aka Sharonlover from the forums). Incidentally, Chapters 4 and 5 have been translated as well, but we're still busy typesetting them! So you should be seeing some regular updates to the manga again, along with a few other surprises... Anyway, this one has a couple exciting explosions that are nicely drawn, along with more ridiculous antics from that kid, Joey. Seems he's actually making himself useful for a change. So go check it out!

Until next time...
Captain Commando
