August = Month of Metroid (MOM?)

Happy Month of Metroid, everybody! The most amount of Metroid games have all been released this month, so it is with great pleasure that everyone should refer to August as the "Month of Metroid" from now on. The games are:

  • Metroid (also on GBA in Japan and the VC release)
  • Metroid II: Return of Samus
  • Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
  • Metroid Prime Trilogy
  • Super Metroid (on Virtual Console)
  • Metroid Other M!!!

We have also uncovered an excellent new Metroid cameo in the time-shifting FPS game, Singularity by Raven Software. Check out our Cameos section to see it!

Starcraft II Cameo

Stay tuned all this month for some extremely awesome suprises the ol' MDb has in store for you guys. I assure you, you won't be disappointed.

--Infinity's End
